
What's wrong with Clinton or Obama?

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I was looking over the other questions and people are saying that if Clinton won, it's gonna be h**l, and like everything is gonna turn bad. Probably because I'm still really young (13) to know these stuff but why is everyone against Hillary Clinton. And for Obama, some people are still races about him. This is the 21th century. But honestly, I don't know what either of them did anything that helped this country, that's why I want to know...




  1. There is nothing wrong with Clinton or Obama since they are just aspiring to be President to serve the country.

  2. No one knows why people hate Hillary, maybe it's because she's a strong woman who knows. All I know is that when Clinton (Bill) was president there were none of these problems that Bush digged up. Those were good time, true Republicans hate them, but no good, TRUE reason has even surfaced as to why. Obama is little known about and his promises are too vague to be concrete.

  3. and old person that i met says that it isn't time for a women 2 be president. thats why they don't want hillary for president. the reason they don't want obama for president is because he's a black man. and out of all the presidents you never see any black person. that same person says that it isn't time for a black man to be president yet and im all i say is that the people better vote for someone good for president!!!!

  4. everyone hates clinton because she voted yes for the iraq war

    she WAS going to help human rights, but bribery got the best of her. if she wins. iran is the next iraq.

    obama just needs to win. not cuz he's black, because he actually cares. clinton just want the money.

    and im 13 too. so yeahh

  5. Nothing wrong with either one of them.

    But here is why I like Hillary and I am voting for her:

    I know Hillary Clinton is for real.

    She has spent much of the earlier part of her career as an

    advocate for families and children. As part of that process,

    she developed legal methods for identifying abused children,

    and action taken to protect those children.

    She also spent a great deal of her career representing the

    poor, and leading organizations that represented the poor

    .... people who normally could not pay for an attorney.

    She did not have to do all this.

    She was offered a top-notch job early on with the

    United States Department of Justice, as a prosecutor.

    She turned it down.

    Hillary Clinton is what every true leader should be

    .... a proven public servant.

    I think Hillary Clinton will serve the people of the

    United States of America .... not herself, not big business.

    She has already proven herself.

  6. The folks on here dissing Obama and Clinton are just parroting paranoid right-wing radio talking points, none of which have any substance or value, none of which have any manners or class.

  7. Neither of them has ever held an executive position. They are both legislators. The historical record of Presidents who never held an executive position reveals a lot of "so-so" holders of that office. And there are others in the race from other parties who also have that deficit in their resumes.

    Since I'm a non-partisan voter, I look at those who have served as the governor of their respective state.

  8. Kelly, there are a lot of uninformed, ignorant people who simply listen to windbags like Rush Limbaugh and repeat everything they hear.  They don't think things through for themselves, as you are obviously doing.  They are not deep thinkers, they are not educated, and they are mean-spirited.

    Please don't listen to them.  Continue to think for yourself.

    Hillary and Obama are both good people who would like to be president.  There are many other good people in the race as well.  All of them love America and want to do good things for it.  Once you're old enough to vote, you should look into every candidate and decide which one you agree with on the issues that are important to you.  Don't let anyone else do your thinking for you.

    It is not a prerequisite for being president that you have done something to help the country.  You can simply be a good person who has good ideas.  Having said that, Obama has been a community organizer who has helped the poor in his city of Chicago, he has been a state legislator from Illinois and he has been a Senator.  He has helped pass a lot of bills and helped many people in his state.  Hillary has spent 35 years of her life helping poor children around the world, being First Lady of Arkansas and of the U.S. and now being a Senator from New York.  Both Hillary and Obama could have made a lot more money if they had avoided political service and had worked in the private sector instead, so they have sacrificed for their country in ways they considered good and important.


    Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and Fred Thompson have similar, or less, experience than Obama on matters of foreign policy. (For that matter, George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan had no foreign policy experience during their respective campaigns.)

    People can certainly come to their own conclusions about Obama’s background and skills. But it’s worth noting that the senator is currently working behind the scenes, reportedly on a daily basis, to help stem the post-election violence in Kenya, where his father was born and where his grandmother still lives.

    On January 1, two days before the Iowa caucuses, Obama left a message for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. According to Robert Gibbs, Obama’s Communications Director, Rice called back “as we were driving from Sioux City to Council Bluffs on January 1. They talked about the situation and Rice asked Obama to tape a Voice of America message calling for calm.” Obama taped the message on January 2, after a rally in Davenport, Iowa.

    On January 3, the day of the caucuses, he had a conversation with Bishop Desmond Tutu, who had flown to Nairobi to see if he could begin negotiations with the factions. In the days since his Iowa victory, Obama has had near-daily conversations with the U.S. Ambassador in Kenya or with opposition leader Raila Odinga. As of late this afternoon, before his rally in Rochester, N.H., Obama was trying to reach Kenyan President Kibaki.

    I know this doesn’t fit nicely into the no-experience narrative, but this actually counts as some pretty substantive — and very relevant — foreign policy experience.

  9. They are both opposed to liberty and the wealth that naturally arises from free people conducting business in a free marketplace.

    Both lean toward Marxist socialist ideals that impose government control over every aspect of life.

    Their brand of domination has been tried, tested and has failed everywhere it has been imposed, usually with millions being executed in the process.  

    Examples would be Russia, Cambodia, Cuba and China.  Numerous other countries have elected socialist leaders and have cast them off after seeing the devastation caused by these types of political models collapse under their own weight.

    Chavez in Venezuela is another good example of the promise of a socialist paradise decimating a country and plunging it into slavery and poverty.


  10. What a pleasure it is to hear some one of your age discuss the political race for president and to ask others of their opinions. Learn everything you can from every source you can, but, the best information will come the candidates’ background. Don’t accept what their web pages may say as they will only tell you what they want you to know.  I will not vote for Clinton because she lacks the leadership or strength to represent America as our president. She publicly criticized a federal employee who reminded her of the need to keep secret information secret. She waffled when asked about states allowing illegal aliens to have drivers license. She supports giving illegal aliens amnesty. The medical bill she supported gave free medical care to illegal aliens at tax payers’ expense. By her own admission she voted for the war without even reading the intelligence reports. She has missed almost every Armed Forces Service Committee meeting she is a member of. When the debates got tough she complained that "the boys" were ganging up on her. When she lost the caucus she became too emotional. She has been trying for 15 years to pass a medical program and can not get enough democrats or republicans to support it. She claims a lot of experience but shows little success in her work during that time. She has been a part of the government in the past 7 years that has almost destroyed the United States; experience like that we do not need. She is taking campaign contributions from known felons (one that the FBI was looking for) and she owes too many favors to too many people. She lacks the leadership, moral strength and honesty to represent America as our president. Now, having said all that; do the research, it is not for me (or anyone else) to tell you how you should vote. A vote cast without knowing the candidates is worse than no vote at all!

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