
What's wrong with Jenny?

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What does Jenny die from at the end of Forest Gump? I say AIDS, friends say Hep. or TB. Just curious.




  1. They don't say.  

  2. implied to be HIV due to the fact that she was a prostitute earlier on.

  3. It is definitely HIV/AIDS.  She states that she has a virus that they dont even know what it is yet.  This is obviously implying that it is HIV/AIDS because that disease was completely unheard of until the early 1980s (which in the story's timeline is when Jenny dies).  

    HIV is one of the biggest medical events of the century, therefore it would appropriatey fit in with the events of Forrest Gump's life being directly related to major events of the century seen throughout the movie (Vietnam, meeting the Presidents, Civil Rights Movement, ec.)

    Her having HIV is not nececessarily related to her being a prostitute, actually she was never mentioned as being a prostitute, although she did obviously lead a very promiscous lifestyle. The virus could have come from sexual content or the sharing of needles during drug use (which she obviously did too)

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