
What's wrong with Rick Mahorn pushing Leslie?

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I saw the tape and she was the one that got up in his face first like she was a man. If she wanted to be a man shouldn't she deserve to be treated like one?




  1. I wish people will just get off there soapboxes,let me guess Lisa Lesie is damaged for life because she fell to floor,these women's are some of the best players in world get over it.

  2. to the user "sparks/lakers fan" you are an idiot.

  3. It was wrong, NUFF SAID

  4. She wanted to go see if Candice Parker was alrite.

    This buffoon was in her way so she tried to get him out and he pushed him

    Leslie is smarter than that. She wouldnt pick a fight with a coach.

    Parker is young thats understandable that she was mad, thats why Leslie wanted to help her

  5. he is an idiot, that has just killed his career as WNBA coach.

    i mean pushing a girl, how low can he get??

    And no she went up to see if Candace was okay, and then he pushed her

  6. hes an idiot. 'nuff said.

  7. i couldn't really call it from just watching the tape, but i would assume that all the coaches and staff were just trying to break it up....and any grown man would know pushing a woman is just wrong

  8. What up Subnkist,

    Having watched the tape- i couldn't get a clear look if Mahorn pushed her.

    But if he did- clearly you should know why it's wrong for a man to push a woman.  It looked to me more like he stuck his arm out and it didn't look like he was forcefully pushing her- it could all be blown out of context.

    But your question is basically if he intentionally pushed her was it wrong- the answer would be a resounding YES!  

    In terms of the tape it's not conclusive nor does it seem like Mahorn really pushed her- because Cooper was there and he would have taken a swing at Rick had he really pushed her hard and intentionally.  So i agree in terms of the tape it doesn't seem very conclusive.

    But i think you're over dramatizing it- Leslie did not get in his face- she was trying to rush in to help Candace and help break up the fight she wasn't challenging Rick to a fight as your description up their implies.


  9. From what I saw she was trying to get past him and he stopped her.  I caught the end of the game and my first thought was that she swung at him.  And in the one and only time they showed a replay from Detroit's basket it looked the same.

    I know he only meant to stop her and it looked like she lost her balance after that but she should be glad that's all he did.  Rick Mahorn is a big boy.

  10. there was nothing wrong with it a all. females today always complain treat us as equals treat us as equals, well i say if they deserve the same opportunities as men and they get what they want, they can't revert into the dumb person who cleans the house and makes foood all day. as soon as any thing bad happens to females its never their fault.

  11. Um...I don't know.

    I watched it and I don't see how see would fall down so hard from that "touch" Mahorn gave her. I mean you could see he didn't put any weight behind his arm when he reached out or "pushed" her.

    Again, I don't know, I respect these ladies and if they feel they need to go at it, just like the guys they need to go at it every once in a while.

    The WNBA may need some security. A team of all women aside from the coachin staff so their is no confusion, or guys being accused of beating up on these ladies. Because honestly, that fall looks a little "flopish" on Lisa's part.

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