
What's wrong with Sebastien?

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A lot of people think the name is too difficult. Some people like the name but like the spelling "Sebastian" - is there REALLY such a difference. My family prefers our second name Gabriel. What is your opinion?




  1. Its fine - if you love the name and you find it no problem to say then hey! - who cares what others say.

    I suppose the thing would be that if people do find it hard to say then they will come up with a nickname or shorten the name a bit. So perhaps before they do they you could think up a nickname you would like people to use - if they find saying Sebastien too hard.

    I reckon he will end up being called Seb - which is kind of cute :)

  2. I love the name Sebastion, but, thats how i like it spelled, idk, it just looks better that way. I have 3 kids, but, planning on 4 and it's one i have picked out. Gabriel is also one of my fave's, but, i'd go with Sebastion....good luck...isabella

  3. I love the name Gabriel. Sabastien is an old name and it's a crabby name!

  4. I HATE that name ! It's so spanish-like and me no spanish! Me english!  

  5. aw i think Sabastian is cute it may be a little silly or crazy, i like it but if i was gonna name my kid one of those it would be Gabriel its a very strong name

  6. I don't think there is anything wrong with it!..

    There's a guy at my school with that spelling...but he goes by Toby.

  7. you are totally right! There isnt a CORRECT way of spelling a name, man that annoys me when people say that. Anyways, i love the name Sebastian, its cute i think!!!

  8. i too personally like the a spelling, but you are right both are correct. I could see if you were trying to spell it

    Sahbasschienn or some other ungodly way.

    Anyways Sebastien is a beautiful strong name (and has s*x appeal for later in life...much later) Those who say it is too difficult probably name their children Anne and John. So be difficult and give your child a name that is powerful, not lame. Gabriel is nice also, what about Sebastien Gabriel... flows nicely! or Gabriel Sebastien depending on your last name! Good luck and keep Sebastien. My sis wants to name her 1st son Sebastien Cole so see you're not the only one!

  9. i prefer the  more "common" spelling Sebastian. it's a very cute name. but long and a bit complex for some ppl to spell so to change it too much is confusing and frustrating for the child, who is the one that must constantly correct ppl.

    i like Gabriel. it's a fine name too. Gabe is a cute nickname.

    Sebastian really doesn't have much of a nickname other than Bastian...which sounds...umm weird to me.

    at the end of the day though, he is YOUR son. so choose what your heart tells you is right!

    i've never known a mother that regretted picking what she really liked no matter how "silly" other ppl thought it was. but i've known plenty of mother's who regretted picking names to appease their family about the name they really wanted and didn't use.

  10. The problem with things like that is 'Sebastien' will have to spell his name for EVERYONE.  It WILL be misspelled on countless things.  annoying!

    Use the original spelling

  11. I like the name Sebastian, but I do prefer the spelling with the ia at the end. It's not that your was is wrong, it's just not as visually appealing. It isn't the correct way, just the traditional way. Sebastian is unique and clever enough, you really don't have to stray from the traditional spelling.

    As for Gabriel, it is nice, but not as unique and interesting as Sebastian. It also comes off to some as very feminine. Go with the name YOU like.

  12. Yes there is a difference because the most common spelling by far is Sebastian.  Therefore, if you mess up the spelling the kid will have to spend the rest of his life correcting people when they inevitably and continually spell his name wrong.

  13. My nephews name is Sebastein. How about Sebastein Gabriel

  14. I like Sebastian better.

    But I like Gabriel even better than that.

  15. I like sebastian, spelled corectly. It looks like you were illiterate when naming him. Just use the correct spelling, and then, its a great name.

  16. Its stupid and i think anyone with that name would get laughed at. I think that is a lion name. Can imagine a Adult male with that name?

  17. I've always loved Sebastian (with an 'a' though) and people have always given me the same response, they don't like it, blah blah blah. I guess the hard part about it is there is no short form of it (Seb??). With Gabriel, he can go by Gabe perhaps.

    I don't know, I think it is a great name.

  18. I like Gabriel, and Sebastian makes me think of The Little Mermaid!

  19. Honestly, the first thing I think of is the Disney's The Little Mermaid and I want to start singing "under the sea". I really do like the name, but that's what the name means to me.

    I agree with you on the fact that there are many ways to spell a name. My name is spelled different that people expect, and I do have to spell it whenever I go anywhere. Then I also have to repeat that it starts with a "g" and not a "j". Would I ever even think of changing it? No way. My Dad named me and I am proud to have the name that he picked.  

  20. The correct spelling is Sebastian.  If you live in an area that is predominantly French, then choose whichever spelling you like.  It is no fun to go through life correcting the spelling of your name constantly.

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