
What's wrong with a lot of eyeliner???

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The other day I came home from a friends house and mum said "Your wearing too much eyeliner, you're only 13 and it makes you look older." But that's sorta the point and it makes me more confident looking pretty and older. Was mum right. Or can I change her mind about me wearing a lot of eyeliner???


xx <3




  1. ur only 13 and ur still young she just doesnt want u to grow up to soon she wants u to be young and ur age

    i wanted to be older and look older when i was 13 but now im 24 and i wish i hadnt of wished my life away

    enjoy being a kid coz thats what u are there is plenty of time to be older and when u are older u will wish u had of taken the time to enjoy or younger yrs

  2. dude eyeliner is what brings ur eyes out.. i never leave the house w/o eyeliner! i say go all the way it!

  3. well

    when 13 year olds have too much eyeliner..

    they kidna look like s***s.

  4. theres nothing wrong with it if u like it just keep on wearing still is ur eyes not hers

  5. who cares about what other people think?

    just stay you.

    btw, edward is MINE ^-^


  6. nothing as long as its not too much

  7. it looks good keep using it and your mom will just need to accept the fact that your a teenager now. teenagers wear make up.

  8. I think that if I had a thirteen year old child trying to look and behave like a fifteen year old child I&#039;d be wondering &quot;why?&quot;.

    At the age of thirteen you don&#039;t need to look sexually appealling for boys of ages 15 and up. I think your mother may be worried that you&#039;ll end up coming home pregnant if you focus too much on your vanity and whether or not others perceive you as sexually attractive.

    Your life is about more than just looking pretty in others&#039; eyes. But I guess at 13 that&#039;s what everyone focuses upon.

    - Pepper.

    I also forgot to add, that you may attract the inappropriate attention of older males who may or may not know that you&#039;re 13 years old.

  9. nothing if its applied right lol.


  10. I&#039;m pretty sure I know what style in which you are using the eyeliner and I understand why you are using it in that way. At the same time I understand what your mother is saying, I&#039;m only 16 but I have seen how teens and especially tweens try too hard to look older at a young age. I&#039;m not telling you to stop wearinig the make-up but maybe lighten up on it and become more creative with it the older you get. The person I know who does it does some really cool designs with different coloured eye colour pencils X )

  11. Well not only that but too much can make your eyes look little and that defeats the purpose of wearing makeup. I think what she meant was trashy. I mean no offense by that. I&#039;m going through the same thing with my 13  year old.

  12. 13 isn&#039;t too young for eyeliner, and if you&#039;re really positive you put on the right amount then you probably are. And yeah, that&#039;s kind of the point of eyeliner. To make you look older and prettier. :)

    Sometimes liquid liner or crayon liner looks over the top, I like to use pencil liner. I don&#039;t know what you use, but again, if you think you have the right amount then you probably do!

    No offence, but your mom is just being a mom! All moms are like that. I bet she just has a hard time seeing you grow up. :P

  13. i&#039;m sure you looked fine, mum&#039;s just never want their kids to grow up because the next thing they know you will be moving out, not literally but thats how they think :)

    hope this helps

    please answer my questions



  14. I don&#039;t think there&#039;s anything wrong with it. It tends to be the more conservative types who scream &quot;zomg but u will look leik a w***e!! lulz&quot;

  15. I do this too ( I am 13 as well ) and my Mum is fine with me wearing alot of eyeliner (it makes me more confident) but my Aunsties always bag me out for it..

    Just tell them thats what makes you happy!

  16. well being 13 then it doesnt look very good, ur mum is right it does make u look older but in a bad way, some ppl might have the wrong idea of u, so its better if u dont, just wait till u&#039;re at least 16 =)

  17. Any idea how MUCH older?

    You shouldn&#039;t be looking like you&#039;re 17 or 18 years old when you&#039;re only 13. At most, you should look about 15, no older.

    Give an example (( doesn&#039;t have to be you. )) of what your eyeliner looks like.

    If it&#039;s raccoon-reminiscent, it&#039;s too much. I&#039;ll tell you that.  

  18. makes you look like a w***e...

  19. it depends on how much... 13 shud probably juss be tha bottom line or ull look like yer tryna be older nd then look dumb

  20. whats wrong with alot of sluttish emo

  21. she probably thinks your too young for it...yeah..some girls do really pile it on..thats why you gotta learn young to put your S****y clothes and makeup on when you leave the house....but I did not tell you this ;)

  22. Too much eyeliner can make you look like a $5... well... you know.

  23. when you constantly wear loads of eyeliner it makes your eyes look naked and weird without it. if you wear natural makeup you dont look like a zombie when you take it off. also, at 13 you should not be trying to look older...omg enjoy childhood because being an adult sucks

  24. haha ur so british =P okay anyways nothing it looks good on most girls unless it doesnt get messy. just tell ur mom to hopp offf=]

  25. Maybe it was just too dark? Try a lighter shade. I think when girls do wear it too dark or too much they look like whores lol.

  26. she is just worried that her little girl is growing up and that is a scary thought for any mum. when her little girl is wearing makeup it means the beginning of the end with boys s*x and all else that comes with teenage hood. i iunderstand ur point but i also understand hers. do what i did and put it on after you leave and take it off befor you get back to save all arguments

  27. im 14 and my mom says the same thing

    i say mom you were my age at one point and you wore alot of makeup too

    im growing up and you need to realize it and let me do what i want

  28. Just make sure you wear the right shade of eyeliner that is good for you eye color.

    typically with blue eyes you should wear brown eyeliners and mascaras.

    green eyes usually dark purples

    brown and hazel eyes really can differ though.

  29. Theres nothing wrong with it. If you like it go ahead. Just try talking to your mom!

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