
What's wrong with a teleprompter anyway?

by Guest10656  |  earlier

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That's the question here. McCainites seem to think Obama can only get by with a teleprompter and use a pre-written speech (find me a politician that doesn't use a pre-written speech and I'll give you a cookie). Yet every time I see McLame give a speech, he's looking down at his script (and butchering it too).

And at those town halls he either forgets the question or doesn't even listen to it.

So, second part to the question: Why isn't McDumb using a teleprompter?




  1. It can work well such as if it helped Obama not stray from Pelosi's message.

  2. What's wrong with a teleprompter anyway?

    Absolutely nothing!

    McCain is just jealous because he's too slow to use one!

  3. Nothing. It is just something the mindless focus on.

  4. Teleprompters don't give orginal thought.  Obama always struggles without his trusty tele.

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