
What's wrong with american restuarants these days?

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I ordered a "Tuna Salad" at an american restuarant and got a something similar to a Whopper and french fries from Burger King. I would think the salad would come with vegetables, salad dressing and tuna. Instead, it came with a little bit of tuna, a little bit of lettuce and alot of french fries.




  1. I think you may be lumping all restaurants in together.  I've never, ever heard of a resturant serving Tuna Salad with French Fries.  Perhaps a Tuna Salad Sandwich though, there is a difference.  Perhaps you ordered something by mistake or perhaps the waiter or waitress got your order wrong.  What was this restaurant?  

    I just would never go back to that one restaurant.

  2. There are different connotations to a tuna salad.  To some if would mean the canned tuna with mayo served like a sandwhich.  In other restaurants, it would be the same type of tuna served on a salad.  In yet another restaurant it could be a tuna fillet...  It's all on the interpretation and style of a restaurant.

  3. I've never had a salad from BK, but i have ordered a salad from McDonalds and their salads actually do contain vegetables.

  4. they obviously got your order wrong, which is why it's important to check it before you leave the restaurant.  they would have fixed it if given the chance, though I understand your frustration.   if you have any questions as to what's in something, ask before you order.  simple communication goes a long way.

  5. Even sit-down restaurants in the USA are essentially the equivalent of Fast-Food joints with their schlock cuisine.  That nice steak is a product of factory-farming in Mexico and those mashed potatos came straight out of a five-gallon bucket of potato paste.  But don't think if you go to an exotic restaurant in America it'll be any different especially Chinese cuisine which is actually a million miles from the actual food normally eaten by the Chinese.  Americans have plenty to eat, but WHAT they eat is often pure c**p.  American Bread is one of the most disgusting excuses for food I've ever encountered.  They take wheat flour, then REMOVE the nutrients and replace with SUGAR and then BLEACH it as white as snow!   But buy "Wheat" Bread in America and more often than not, it's the same c**p, just DYED brown!

    Childrens' breakfast cereals are barely more nutritional or healthy than feeding your child cocaine!

    A one pound chunk of Russian Rye made in the old country, costs about two kopeks, and is so nutritious and sustaining you could live almost solely off of it. In Germany, England, or France, the bread is made much the same way and of similar quality.

    Want a good restaurant with good service? Go to Europe, East or West where the food is actually REAL, even if costly, and not factory produced sugar-added crud.

  6. Neither of those sound like tuna salad.  Usually, at a traditional place, you would just get tuna mixed with mayonnaise, with maybe a little bit of celery mixed in, but not vegetables and salad dressing.  If you ordered something more upscale, like Ahi Tuna, then you might expect a salad with sliced tuna over the top.  However, if what you got was a lot of french fries, you were undoubtedly at a place that was just one step up from Burger King at best.  I've never seen a tuna salad come with fries, so I can imagine that this "restaurant" was aimed at those used to eating at fast food joints.

  7. service stinks

    waiter/waitress probably didn't really listen to your order

  8. Tuna Salad is like Chicken Salad. Its spread out on bread and made in to a sandwich. Fries are a natural to come with a sandwich. My guess is that you just moved to America and didn't know that Tuna Salad isn't actually a salad

  9. If you ordered a $6 tuna sandwich meal no wonder. Go to a better restaurant. Heck, if you went to a better one they wouldn't even have junk like a tuna sandwich. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR

  10. Some restaurants are better than others. Most are better than the one that you went to.

  11. You should have complained right then and there.  Don't go there again and give the place your business.  Tell your friends, co-workers, family, etc. so that the place doesn't get their business either.  Money talks!

  12. we are a fat nation

  13. Oh, boo hoo hoo!

  14. Thats why I cook home!

  15. It's not their fault you can't properly read the menu!

  16. It's the specific restaurant not American;-{ don't generalize.

  17. I have the same problem in DQ I had a burger and the buger had hair in it so I asked my mother's friend to drop the burger off and the DQlady said i couldn't take it back! but i don't know what's worng with these sick people either....!

  18. Robert, did you order this at a fast food place?  I haven't had this problem, but I have seen a lot of people work at taking orders that don't speak or understand the language I'm speaking, English, and my order is wrong when I get it.  

    I feel sorry for them for not understanding the language and having to work a job that doesn't pay as well as others they may won't to have, but I hate the s***w up on my order even more.

  19. was the person mildly challenged?...seems strange

  20. Well, unfortunately, restaurants serve up what the majority wants- and Americans like their french fries. This is really disgusting- I hate that there aren't a lot of places to get healthy, hearty food. I'm sick of subway.

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