
What's wrong with being an elitist?

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Are you more of an elitist the higher you are on the political ladder, no matter your political affiliation?




  1. I want an elitist running my country not some guy " I could drink a beer with"

  2. Nothing.  And if you pay me enough money, I'll tell you why.

  3. Being an elitist doesn't mean having hig hstatus.  It means you think that makes you better than other people.

  4. Elitism is wrong because it enflames monkeybutt resentment.

  5. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy or reaching high levels of success.  

    One who is wealthy or successful is not automatically an elitist.

    Elitism is an attitude of superiority because of one's level of success in a specific field.

  6. So you are saying it's ok to be s****. and to look down upon people, I guess by your logic that would go for people of other races.  Are you starting to see the problem with that logic, no way to tell where the cut-off line is. The funny thing is, the elitists are the ones who tell us little people that it is not OK to look down on people of other races, genders, sexual orientations, etc, all while looking down on us.  And we buy it.  

    Obama joe Biden '08

  7. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just hypocritical to say your opponent is elitist when you are an even bigger one.

  8. It's the attitude that you are better than most.

    Politically, it's the belief that the working people NEED politicians to take care of them.

  9. Being an elitist implies snobbery.  Being a part of the elite however is a matter of circumstance.  

  10. "the problem today is the same as it has always been, should man govern himself, or do so at the will of the elites?"

    This country was founded so that the "elites" could not maintain control of your finances through taxes and welfare to make sure they remain elite and you do not.  What is wrong with elites?  they crave power, power corrupts.  They crave ultimate power, Ultimate power corrupts ultimately.  Basically, if there are elites in control, you will remain poor.  Without elites controlling this country we had the largest middle class and the wealthiest middle class.  Then we got taxes and a central bank.  now we have a large poor class.  a smaller middle class and an even smaller upper class with the gap between the middle 2 immessurable.  Gee I wonder what is bad about elites, other than they care only for themselves but tell you they are there for you.  All in power now are "elites" they are corrupt.

  11. woa h/o elitism has absoultly positively nothing to do with slavery.  You my friend just pulled out the older liberal trick in the book.  Race issue.  "there racist".  The next oldest trick by the liberals is the class envy trick.  Its human nature to be envious of what you dont have but get over it and work.  Everyone else does.  What you don't know is the people who are "the rich white haired republicans" are at work longer and work harder than the "poor me i need a gov hand out liberal"

  12. Being an elitist just puts a person out of touch with the public that they supposedly serve.  There have been some presidents who could more identify with the common man than others; Abraham Lincoln for example.  Then there are others, like Bush Sr. (to be fair), who had never even seen a grocery check-out scanner.  Then there are those like Obama, who's personal ego gives him no problem with milking his messiah reputation for all it's worth.

  13. Just those who love segregation.  But its a self proclaimed arrogance and the weak minded bow down and fawn over them.  Some of the smartest people I know never went to college.

  14. Im a typical democrat eliteist. I claim to be really goodly educated and tell everyone thats diferent then me that they is dum.

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