
What's wrong with g*y people? and does the bible run your life?

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1. whats so bad about g*y people? they arent hurting anyone and why should it be your buisness how someone lives? it's not like they chose to be g*y. and to those of you who say otherwise, how do you know? most right winged christians think they know everything about what its like to be g*y but they dont. so how do you know its a choice?

2. it seems like christians trace everything back to the bible. "the bible says its wrong". so just because a book written by a guy (which may or may not have been inspired by a divine power) says that somethings wrong its truely wrong?

i just dont get how someone shapes their life around a book.

so how do you do it?




  1. If you believe in Jesus Christ you will follow the bible no matter what. If you don't then you won't.

    Jesus died for g*y people just like straight people.  God loves you but hates your sin because that's what put him on the cross. When you sin with your body you not only sin against GOD but against yourself.  That's why it's really wrong.  

    In the bible GOD destroyed a city with g**s and lesbians..but before doing that he gave them a chance to repent but they wouldn't- They chose to disobey.  They followed what they thought was right.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Hi, :)

    1, Your right, g**s arent going to make the world blow up.


    I asked that question on R&S, several of the answers agree that Leviticus was for the Jews. I have nothing against g**s at all.

    Wow, i thought I was in the LGBT section, that explains all of the thumbs downs, anyway, nice to see you, :)

  3. I personally see nothing wrong with g*y people. They were born that way, and it wasn't a choice.

    I don't always refer everything to the bible, please don't make those assumptions.

    I love all people no matter what, I don't judge people. That is for God, and GOD only.

  4. Everything the bible says is wrong Jesus also said is wrong. You name it. If someone said something is wrong then Jesus also said it is wrong.

  5. 1.  Nothing

    2.  The Bible was written by about 40 men who claim to have been divinely inspired.  It's since been translated many times and interpreted thousands upon thousands. It's also cherry picked to the nth degree.  Accordingly what people make of it now is what they *choose* to make if it, even if it was some form of divine work originally.  

  6. 1. there's nothing wrong with g**s as a whole.

    2. the bible was written by many men inspired by the message of God.

    I don't.

    Don't generalize anymore 'kay?

    btw, Pon and Zi rock hardcore.

  7. Some pro-homosexual champions claim the Bible does not condemn homosexual acts. Yet, it does so from cover to cover. The Bible condemns homosexual acts in the strongest of terms and even by describing the acts themselves, such as in Leviticus 18:22: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13 both graphically forbid sexual acts between two men.

    Romans 1:26 forbids sexual acts between two women, labeling "lesbianism" unnatural, saying that women who do those things "change" the natural for that which is "against nature."

    So much for the "born that way" argument. Romans 1:27 condemns sexual acts between men and men.

    Verse twenty-seven begins with "And likewise also the men..." I Corinthians 6:9-11 is a warning against the deception that one can live in open rebellion to God's law and still be a Christian headed for heaven.

    In that passage, sodomites are accurately and plainly called "abusers of themselves with mankind."I Timothy 1:8-11 instructs on the lawful use of the law to punish persons who commit acts such as murder, perjury, and sodomy. Here homosexuals are graphically described as "them that defile themselves with mankind." Both of those descriptive phrases, like all New Testament references to those guilty of committing sodomy, are faithfully translated from the word ARSENOKOITES, the Greek word which describes homosexual s*x acts. Greek was the language in which the New Testament was originally written. Until recent times, no one attempted to claim that the Bible does not condemn and outlaw homosexual s*x.

    That may be in part because one must play the part of a fool to do so (Rom. 1:22).

    Consider for a moment a few more of the desperate excuses which have been concocted of late to justify sodomy and other homosexual acts. There are some who smugly overlook all the biblical condemnations and prohibitions of homosexual acts other than those occurring in the book of Leviticus where those acts are called "abomination." They then state, "So what if God calls homosexual acts an abomination in the

    Bible; He also calls the eating of shellfish an 'abomination.'"

    These people may or may not realize that the ban on eating of shellfish was part of the Mosaic dietary law which was set aside by God when Jesus Christ instituted a new covenant through His shed blood(Luke 22:20). They also may be ignorant of the fact that the word rendered as "abomination" in the Old Testament comes from six different closely related Hebrew words.When the Bible says that eating shellfish is an abomination under the Mosaic dietary rules, abomination in that case is rendered from the Hebrew word SHEQETS which means filthy. Under the Mosaic dietary laws, the Hebrews were to consider shellfish filthy, that is unclean, food.On the other hand, the Hebrew word which describes homosexual acts is TOEBAH. Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (c.1984) accurately states that toebah " ...defines something or someone as essentially unique in the sense of being 'dangerous,' 'sinister,' and 'repulsive'..."

    The Bible tells us that God judges sodomy to be toebah.

  8. You should study the g*y culture and see how wholesome and pure it is, then get back to us.

    Saying that Christians are homophobes, denies the truth of the matter.

    I think I can speak for at least most Christians when I say, please don't tell, and I won't ask.

  9. the bible is a book just like harry potter

  10. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate.

    I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

    I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

    Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

  11. 1. It shortens your life by over 21 years, which brings added insurance costs and personal emotional problems. It also brings God Judgment upon our Country.

    2. The Bible is the Word of God and has proved itself infallible.

  12. "What's wrong with g*y people?" Nothing more than anyone else except perhaps problems caused by feeling guilty because they have had a homophobic religion shoved down their throats and up their hinder parts all their lives.

    "and does the bible run your life?" - It did once.  Thankfully, I learned the truth and it set me free from the slavery of Christianity.


  13. Heavenly Father loves all of his children equally, black or white, bond or free, male or female, straight or g*y, etc.  He can't prepare us for the rewards he has in mind for us except in certain specific ways, and some of those ways are marrying (someone from the opposite s*x) and learning (a) how to get along and (b) the rudiments of creating or perpetuating life.  There is no more intense service than to care for someone who is completely helpless.

    Are you saying that there were far fewer g*y people 50 years ago?  Or will you take the facile route and pretend that they were there but "in the closet"?

    If sexual orientation were not a choice, then homosexuality would have been prevalent all along.  People would not have been able to help themselves.

    Shape my life around a book?  Interesting concept.  I use various scriptures as one source of truth.  Prayer and answers to prayer are another.  I also sometimes try to use the brain that God gave me.  

    Kantian ethics suggests that since one cannot logically want everyone to be strictly homosexual (the categorical imperative, I think it's called), because that would result in the extinction of our species, then homosexual practices are unethical.  If it would be wrong for everyone, it's only fair that it's wrong for a few unless you're in favor of double standards.

    I know you're going to be angry with me, but be fair.  Kantian ethics also, from my point of view, makes adultery immoral as well, since I'm not in the mood to share my wife with anyone.

  14. A) What's wrong with g*y people?

    Nothing other than they are committing sin - sin so serious that it is one of those listed by Paul in scripture as a sin that separates a Christian from salvation.  So, understand - it is not the person, it is the sin the person performs, that is wrong.

    B) does the bible run your life?

    Certainly it regulates and restricts my life - but, for example, the bible does not tell me to type this right now.  I am certainly restricted by commands of the bible, just as I am restricted by laws - but laws do not "run" my life, nor does the bible.

    1a) why should it be your buisness how someone lives?

    Because right and wrong are my business - the business of all Christians - and we are supposed to make an effort to warn of sin (and the consequences of it) when we see sin being committed.  Also, it is only natural that we do not wish sin to be legal.  I don't approve of murder, I don't approve of rape, and I don't approve of fornication (of any sort).  If I see someone about to commit a murder, shouldn't I oppose that act by whatever legal means are at my command?  Shouldn't I do the same for every other act I perceive as wrong?  Or, do you think I should let people do wrong things and ignore my morality?

    1b) it's not like they chose to be g*y. and to those of you who say otherwise, how do you know?

    The point is moot.  Let's pretend, for a moment, that people are "born" g*y (which, BTW, has most certainly not been proven).  Were they born **performing** a homosexual act?  Of course not.  It is *not* **being** a homosexual that is a sin, it is engaging in homosexual acts that is sin - and acts are *always* a choice for those who are not suffering from some severe mental disorder.

    As a counterexample, it is my natural inclination to harm people whom I feel have wronged me.  Is it right for me to do so - even when they have not harmed me physically? But I was *born* that way!

    Counterexample #2:  as a heterosexual, it is my inclination (natural or not, you decide) to have s*x with every woman that I desire.  I don't.  Why?  Because even those that are inclined to permit me that privilege do not satisfy the scriptural command that prohibits fornication.  It is not my heterosexuality that is a sin:  it is the practice of sinful heterosexual acts that is (in the New Testament) as deadly a sin as any homosexual sin

    2a) it seems like christians trace everything back to the bible.

    Not all do, but many of us rely ultimately on the bible.

    2b) so just because a book written by a guy (which may or may not have been inspired by a divine power) says that somethings wrong its truely wrong?

    No. of course not.  If you wrote a book saying that heterosexual s*x was wrong, I would ignore it - naturally.  What makes the bible valuable as a moral guide is one and only one thing - the faith of the people that *believe* that it is valuable as a moral guide.  More:  it is *only* as valuable to each individual as that individual values it.  Now, I can only *honestly* claim that the bible (not written by "a guy" BTW) tells us unimpeachably what is truly wrong if I believe that (and I do).  For someone that doesn't believe that, it will likely be a less useful moral guide.  Only my faith assures me that the bible includes moral teachings of God, the true arbiter of what is right and wrong.

    BTW, just because some people believe that homosexuality is disgusting and wrong is hardly valuable.  Some people believe that eating meat is disgusting and wrong.  For them, it certainly *is* disgusting, and there is nothing at all wrong (from my point of view) with them thinking that it is wrong.  That morality does not affect mine, and that opinion only has the value (to me) that I give it.

    If you want to engage in homosexual acts, why does someone (like me) who thinks it's wrong bother you - unless you think it might be wrong, too?


  15. Religion is a crutch.

    These people hate and irrationally fear life and reality so much that they can only rely on an archaic book to show them the way to live their one life, which is MUCH easier to do than think for themselves. And their frustration for being mindless drones overpowers them so much that they feed into it basing and justifying their anger according to the scriptures. It's a cycle of delusion and the majority can't get out. It's like a dark hole they will forever keep falling in. Becoming so detached from the real world suckered into all this hate and fantasy world. And they have each other to help keep them "grounded" there.

  16. "g*y" people are often very nice folks.

    Unfortunately, the things that they do are seriously disordered, sinful, and contrary to the natural law.

    And whether that behavior is genetic or by choice makes absolutely no difference at all.

    Lately, g*y folks have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to get straight people to accept their deviant lifestyle, as though it was something to be proud of.

    It's not ... and we won't.

    Keep it to yourself.

  17. not saying it's wrong. I just have a problem with how g*y people define their sexuality.  They don't speak of it as something they enjoy.  They talk about it like they are TRAPPED in it.  g*y or straight.  If you feel that you are a prisoner to your sexuality, something definitely sounds a little odd.  

  18. 1.Seriously I just think homosexuality is disgusting.  And every g*y guy I know was raised by mom with no dad in the household.

    Coincidence? h**l no. People

    are not born homosexuals(I think).

    2. Agree

  19. 1. I know some wonderful g*y people (in my own family and outside of it) and I love them very much. I don't think they're bad. Some considered it a choice and others believe they were born that way. As for myself, I see sexuality as a practice, and as such, I tend to think it's a choice.

    2. How do you shape your life around a book? As for me, I would have to believe the book was translated correctly and contained true and correct principles, to begin with. Further, I would have to believe it was divinely inspired.  

  20. What is wrong with "happy" people - NOTHING

    Oh! - You mean H O M O S E X U A L s - then why don't you say so!

    Everything is wrong with their CHOICE to be homosexuals !

    And Yes, God's LAW says it is wrong.

    I do try to live my life on biblical principles, but I need God's Holy Spirit to help

  21. Ok im christian and i live by the bible but, im not a christain who uses the bible as an excuse for living

    heres how it goes i dont really believe in homosexuality, but the bible does speak of acceptance and i do accept homosexualls as the people they are

    that said, i dont believe in they're practices, the bible isnt just a book its rights of a group who believed in a more clean or right way of living

    with that also said im not saying you dont live clean you could be the best friend i ever had, im saying i dont believe in what you practice

    and they're somethings i dont believe in with my best friends and they're straight and sometimes i dont believe in what they practice sexually

    i also think its wrong to steroeotype christains calling them all homophobic

    and in some cases i see it some g*y people use being g*y for an excuse

    there are some really good christian people that love people for who they're are knowing the consequences of what those people do and then they're are bad christians who use the bible as a excuse and just to force they're beliefs

    and then you have bad g**s who make that reason a reason to have s*x all the time and use s*x as an excuse which i think is just disgusting
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