
What's wrong with giving to your boyfreind?

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When I was with my ex I would give him gifts when he didn't expect anything. Not nothing extravagant but I would give him flowers (white roses) and sometimes chocolate. I noticed that he would say, "Wow! you don't have to get me anything!" he would say that even though he liked it. But my friends would say that it's wrong to give a guy things like that. What do you think?




  1. I never had a girlfriend. But if I did? I would buy her bracet with a gold heart.

  2. I think you are a very sweet caring person. and if you want to give your boyfriend gifts then do it. who cares what anyone else says. OK you just be yourself. God Bless

  3. If you feel giving then by all means give. He was probably shocked because most women have the "what have you done for me lately" attitude & prefer to receive gifts than give them. I like to give things to my man as well as other things too ;). Tis better to give than receive.

  4. It sounds like your friends have never been in a serious or mature relationship.

    Of course it's ok to give your boyfriend/husband/guy friends gifts. They can be extravagant or not but it shows you are thinking about him and it's appreciated. Everyone loves getting gifts every now again.

    The "oh look at me I'm a pretty princess. Gimme, gimme, gimme" attitude is not even remotely attractive.

    Sounds like you know how to treat a man well, honey.

  5. don't listen to your friends, they are following "the rules" or something childish like that.

  6. That was sweet of you. Flowers seem like an odd gift to give a guy, but he liked them so there you go. My hubs would be polite but he doesn't care for flowers because they make him sneeze. He loves it when I grab him a Stewart's Root Beer or Key Lime Soda from the store when I'm out. Little things aren't actually that little.

    As for your friends, can you say "high maintanance"?? LOL

  7. I think it's fine to give gifts to your boyfriend! Roses and chocolate... very cute :)

    I don't usually buy stuff, but I'm a creative sort so I draw him pictures and write things for him... I'm kind of a romantic ><

  8. I think they mean that flowers and chocolates are "girl" things. They probably object to your choice of gifts, not the fact that you give them at all. Still, if your ex liked them, who are they to judge?

  9. I don't think it's wrong.  So long as your boyfriend likes flowers and chocolate then why not give them to him?

  10. nothing is wrong with that. and he is saying that to be nice everyone loves presents including b/f.

  11. That's very sweet and generous of you. It's very nice.

    I'm lucky if I even get something for my birthday from my spouse.

  12. There absolutely nothing wrong with it! I always buy random stuff like that for my boyfriend.

  13. Jesus can i have your number?

    Most guys out there count ourselves lucky if she doesn't expect gifts herself, let alone gives us some gifts.

    Your friends need to get a clue, we need more women out there like you.

  14. There is nothing wrong with appreciation and materializing it.

  15. I don't think it's wrong! You're just showing how much you love him. It's fine!

  16. Wow! A gal who understands that the guys may enjoy attention and thoughtfulness. You will never be alone.

  17. It,s more normal for men to give gifts like that than to recieve them,

  18. My dear you have done something out of the conventional stereotype and hence it seems rather strange.

    But as a man i would feel touched and fourtunate to receive such gifts because it is the emotion behind those gestures and gifts that really matters to both the genders.

    Good for you and way to go!!!

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