I've noticed that a number of people on Y!A seem to have issues with men who run shirtless -- especially ones who "don't have the body for it". I'm just wondering why people feel that way.
There's an old man -- about 65-ish, that I see running about three mornings a week. Down here in Louisiana, it's HOT, even at 8 am. Anyway, he's got his shirt off, and yeah, he's got a belly and man b***s -- but so what?
You can tell he's struggling, but trying to get into shape. I have a lot of respect for that -- especially when it's someone who doesn't fit society's ideal of what "beauty" is.
So what's so wrong with someone young or old, fat or skinny, six pack or man b***s, running without a shirt? Shouldn't we be supportive of the fact that someone's exercising and doing something beneficial, instead of trying to tear them down?