
What's wrong with jogging without a shirt?

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I've noticed that a number of people on Y!A seem to have issues with men who run shirtless -- especially ones who "don't have the body for it". I'm just wondering why people feel that way.

There's an old man -- about 65-ish, that I see running about three mornings a week. Down here in Louisiana, it's HOT, even at 8 am. Anyway, he's got his shirt off, and yeah, he's got a belly and man b***s -- but so what?

You can tell he's struggling, but trying to get into shape. I have a lot of respect for that -- especially when it's someone who doesn't fit society's ideal of what "beauty" is.

So what's so wrong with someone young or old, fat or skinny, six pack or man b***s, running without a shirt? Shouldn't we be supportive of the fact that someone's exercising and doing something beneficial, instead of trying to tear them down?




  1. I don't see a problem.

  2. There's a lot of shallow people and some people don't find it pleasant to see a fat guy, or a guy with man boob running around naked.

    Just ignore them and do your thing

    Good luck

  3. There's nothing wrong with that!  

  4. lol

  5. I agree with the other answers. Running shirtless, even with a big belly and "moobs" is not a problem...for me anyway. It is a problem for other people though and I think that's what your question is about. You want to know why some people are bothered by shirtless running men. I think there's probably several reasons. One is an almost instinctive, innate sense of revulsion that many of us, including me, experience when we see a grossly overweight person. Being fat is not healthy and it wouldn't surprise me if we really do have an instictive, deep reaction that is innate to being human. I can't help it, I just am grossed out. I can reason my way through my feelings though, and appreciate the effort that the overweight person is making to change. Other people may be reacting to their own learned biases.

    I think that some people are uncomfortable seeing "half naked" men. One female friend of mine said that she was uncomfortable seeing shirtless men because she felt that she was intruding on their privacy. That's just the way she feels. Prudish, even a little silly, but that's what she said.

    I don't want people to be uncomfortable and a shirt really doesn't bother me the way it may bother some men, so I always wear one when I run. Oh, I don't have "moobs" either!

  6. Running without a shirt feels awesome especially on a hot day, but you do risk getting a sunburn.

  7. I don;t think there is a problem

  8. I say dont worry about what other people think..Just focus on what ever your trying to accomplish with your running and you'll do fine. Do whatever you feel comfortable with shirt or no shirt.

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