
What's wrong with my 12 week old kitten?

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My kitten was diagnosed with severe cat flu at 6 weeks old and was nursed back to health. She had her first vaccination two weeks ago, where the vet proclaimed her to be in good health and sent her home with us. She's been fine for a few weeks, eating and playing, although she has a constant runny nose.

Since yesterday, she's been a lot more quiet. Her runny nose is worse and she's eating a little less than usual (although she is eating and drinking fairly well) She's still active, but definitely less than usual, and her nose is blocked almost constantly. She's also sleeping a bit more than normal. Is she having a relapse of the cat flu? And is it worth me taking her to the vet, or just caring for her at home? I have bisolvon powder to help her breathing, and some lysine to boost her immune system.

Her brother died last week from a congenital defect, and though she seemed unaffected at the time, could it be possible that this has stressed her out and caused the relapse?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I think she is in a state of depression because of her loss. I suggest you take her to the vet - they have medicine and what-not for stress.  

  2. I do not beleive this is a relapse of the flu this is caused by Stress of the cat Check its eyes and see if they look normal if they look different then normal They have a cold if they look normal and the nose is running still Contact me at For more help

  3. She might be suffering for a upper respiratory virus and needs to go back to the vet. Kittens at that age can come down with anything.

  4. sounds like a respiratory infection to me. time to take kitty to a new vet for a second opinion. make sure to get a copy of his file from your current vet so they don't have to repeat tests. its always worth taking them to the vet because he could be suffering, and if you have other animals what he has could be contagious. Def. get a second opinion if your vet says there's nothing wrong

  5. Has your kitten been feline leukemia tested?

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