
What's wrong with my Teddy Bear Hamster?

by  |  earlier

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I have a hamster and it is about a year and a half years old and lately i started to notice that it's been losing it's hair. When I put it into a nicer cage a little warmer too it just started to run in circles , well it was doing it in the other cage also but it was kinda freaking me out. We have another hamster that is the same age but is not doing any of that kind of stuff.

Another thing is when i put a brand new bowl of food in the cage it will throw it all into the water and won't eat it, nor the water. i tried bottle feeding it but that didn't work either so i then i tried to put the water on the tip of my finger and the hamster still didn't want to drink of eat.

The hamster is a male and i noticed that he has a large pocket at it's rear end. i read in another article that it may be a some disease.

The hamster is also ripping out its fur. what could be the cause of all of this. Please respond asap!!!!!




  1. Cancer.

  2. Maybe it is stressed or maybe something is causing it pain. Animals usually don't eat or drink if it is in pain. get your hamster to a vet immediately before it starves.  

  3. maybe its horny and the patch is an ulcer ...he might be shedding.. but what do i know

    my parents forbid me from having one because my dog ate my bunny 2 years ago.

  4. take it to the vet!

  5. Your right about the disease! I used to have a hamster that did the same thing yours is doing. What I did was I took it to the vet and they said it has some sort of disease (forgot the name >.<) and they gave me medicine for it. Of course it wouldn't take the medicine so I had to give it a shot and before I knew it the hamster was fine (:

    Take to vet asap or it could die :P

    Take care!

    - Leah S

  6. Have u been feeding him somethin else aside from his food ? this thing that ur talkin abt might be a boil.. same thing happened to my hamster.. after a month or so it just u know kind of popped on its own.. he was on antibiotics for a week then he was good as new.. ;)  

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