
What's wrong with my body?

by  |  earlier

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Almost 2 weeks ago, I took a pregnancy test and it showed up Positive. I'd taken a few before and after that, and they all came up Negative. The positive result was on an EPT digital test. The rest were different tests, line and Clearblue. I then went to the doctor to get tested, and the urine test came back negative, and the blood test also did. I'm still having back aches, stomach pains, and pressure in my lower stomach. I've been having headaches and have gotten dizzy a few times. Also, every morning I feel nausiated but then it goes away within an hour or so. These symptoms aren't in my head because they keep getting worse! I could barely sleep last night. Plus my back has been killing me! I'm not sure what else this could be. I only got the 1 positive pregnancy test, so im not sure! Could I be pregnant? Or did I possibly have a miscarriage? NO bleeding and NO cramping other than pressure in my lower stomach like I said.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :)

Also, my periods are VERY irregular, so im not even sure when i've missed one or not!




  1. i would go back to the doc and tell him everything in as much detail as possible, he will give youi pills to take, or he should get some tests done...

    good luck


  2. My exfriend had this problem. I am not trying to scare you but if you went to the doctor, call and ask them if you have a cyst in your uterus. They can cause similar symptoms of pregnancy but your pregnancy test will come up negative.  She was young and she has these symptoms when that happens. Just a thing to look out for. Good luck.

  3. hey there anything is  possibilty in this lifetime, i have had numerous PT showing different, and with fluctuating monthlies it is hard to pin point anything... give it say till oyur next period see what happens, and re-check, also if your sometimes wanting a baby so bad as i only know to well you can have psycholgical feelings of pregnancy which aint nice especially when your next P comes, but just try maybe keep diary of symptoms or when your p's come and go, visit gp... and like i say wait till next one be aware for your monthly hope everything goes ok,  and goodluck, xx

  4. the best thing would be check with your dr. again a little later,  especially with those dizzy spells, you don't want to be driving and hurt youself or anyone else.  you could be pregnant, i had test done too, urine and blood that came back negative, i kept getting sick, like you, so i got a test of my own two weeks later, and yep! there was a little bambino in there!! , just make sure you get to the dr. again, or try yourself in a couple of weeks, get back to the dr. anyway to make sure nothing else is gong on,   i pray all will be ok for you, God bless

  5. you could still be preggo. everybody had different reactions to things an no preg test is 100% accurate. if you are still feeling the same way in a week or two, go back to the doc and demand more tests and mabye even an ultrasound. just to be sure. my auntie's friend just had a 10pound baby and she had no idea she was even prego! she had done tests and all and they all came up neg! she is a larger lady and didnt know she was preggo until she went in to labour!

    its always better to be safe than sorry, cause you definatly dont wanna hugh suprise like that hitting ya in the middle of the night!

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