
What's wrong with my b*****s?

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What's wrong with my b*****s?

My b*****s feel like they have lumps or cysts inside of them. Not just one, but a lot, and they're all over and they hurt. I've had them for about a month. They're sometimes really big and sometimes not that big. Right now they're really big and sore. Is this something to be worried about? P.S. I turned 18 in March.




  1. when your b*****s are growing this can be normal. doesn't mean it is cancer so don't get scared.

    you could be getting your period soon too.

    link below talks about all different types of things you might feel in your b*****s.

  2. Go get a mammogram it could be breast cancer.

  3. Sounds like fibrocystic disease but it could be more serious than that.  See your doctor, especially if there is a history of cancer in your family... even if there's no family history; find out what's going on and perhaps there's something available for the pain if this is a benign condition.

  4. go to doc ...better safe than sorry!  

  5. if i were u i would see a doctor

  6. could be breast cancer.

  7. ok before you decide its the worst scenario here....are you close to your period? sometimes as early as a week to two weeks before a woman's period her breast will become sore and swell. also every woman has lumps in her b*****s, the ones that can be cancerous are the hard as rock type ones that you will definitely notice no doubt. i do think you should see a Dr because you seem very concerned and alot of people gave you some bad diagnoses here so i'm sure you are quite scared, a Dr like an OB/GYN or even just a reg doctor will be happy to check you out and calm your fears. you are very young breast cancer possibilities are quite low REALLy low

  8. Breast exams are important as it can get you familiar with your body so that you will know what is normal for you and what is not.  I do not ever remember my b***s having hard knots inside of them or aching badly.  It could be cysts and you should go to the doc and have him look to at least give you peace of mind.

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