
What's wrong with my cat....???

by  |  earlier

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I don't understand what is wrong with my cat Mittens! It all started about a week ago when she came in from the heat outside very lethargic and looking and smelling like she had eaten something dead. She wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink, had watery eyes, and had a bit of a cough. We took her to the vet and he examined her and took a blood test and checked for feline leukemia. Everything came back normal. So he diagnosed her with URI (Upper Respiratory Infection). Now a week later....We've given her all the medication for the URI and she seems to be better, but she still won't eat or drink. And now she is in a complete daze all the time. She doesn't recognize us and she follows our feet around everywhere. We have to hand feed her every few hours. So we took her back again and he did more blood tests and checked for a brain tumor....?? He checked back with us again and said everything came back normal.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY KITTY! Does she have the symptoms of rat poisoning???

This has gone on for way to long and we don't have much more money to be bringing her to the vet all the time. HELP...!!!




  1. my friend has a 5 month old cat she recently brought,she wont walk and just sits where ever she is put wen she is picked up she puts her ears bk,she wont eat or drink unless it is brought to her,any advise i have told her to take it to the vet and get her checked over,she doesnt know if it was walking around at the old home as they were carrying it wen she arrived and put it straight in the cat box,any adivse would b brill

  2. whats wrong with my cat shes just drooling

  3. whats wrong with my cat shes just drooling

  4. Our old cat Tails had cancer and he wouldn't eat or drink. We took him to the vet but they said it was to late, he had to be put to sleep...

  5. I finally figured out what was wrong with my cat, no thanks to my Vet!  He has CRF and would barely eat, drank alot and urinated alot.  The poor thing was nauseas due to his CRF.  He is now on Reglan and is eating up storm. My Vet. was really no help. Bottom-line, your the one who see's your cat everyday listen to your instincts and your intuition.  If your Vet. can't figure it out go elsewhere.

  6. My cat seems like she wants to throw up b ut nothing is coming up

  7. All of a sudden my cat is lythargic.  Male about 10 yrs. old. Won't eat, drink, walk, talk, play, eyes are dialated.  Broght him to the emergency room and they told me he was 5% dehydrated.  (I can't afford an I.V.)  The ER cost me $210.00 alone.  Dr. told me to feed him by syringe Gerber Turkey or Chicken baby food and to give him water/child pedilite with syringe until he gets the blood work back.  That took 4 days!  to find out his blood is fine.  No fever, no diabetes, no urine/kidney problems.  Great!  then what the heck is wrong.  He is eating a handfull of dried food on occasion and I still water him with the syringe.  He won't walk unless it's to his litter box and then hides under my desk.  It's so sad to see him like this.  I hope it's just a virus that will shake.  Of course the vet says he needs to take xrays of lungs and stomach to rule out a mass or cancer.  I don't have that kind of $$.  and if it is...what?  I have $$ for kitty chemo.  I don't think so.  Guess I let nature take it's course.  *sigh*  Any one have another other thoughts.?

  8. Sounds like heart disease to me. Get it diagnosed by a proper vet. ASAP.

  9. Sounds like heart disease to me. Get it diagnosed by a proper vet. ASAP.

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