
What's wrong with my ear and arm?

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Two things that have been nagging me. Recently my right ear has kind of swollen near the top and its painful. It feel sore/swollen or like something is stuck there because when I press the cartilage it kills. I tried cleaning it carefully but there doesn't seem to be anything stuck there. My left ear is fine.

Second thing: my right arm near my shoulder, there is a small mole shaped green discoloration of the skin. I've had it for about 3 years now and been convinced it's nothing to worry about but after recently having a talk at school about skin cancer I decided to check if it was anything to worry about. I can't seem to find out what it is, it looks like someone put a green dot on my arm with pen but it definitely under the skin and NOT a mole.

Does anyone have any ideas about either of these things?

Cheers in advance. XD




  1. Right... First of all you probably have an ear infection or water behind the ear. Go see a doctor and they should sort you out.

    Also this green dot.

    If you have had it for 3 years and it has just sat there and done nothing not moved or gorwn or anything... it is NOT cancer. If it was it would have grown .. and cancer is not normally green. Go to the docs when you get your ear out and ask about seeing a dermatologist ( skin doctor ) to check out the green dot.


    feel better .


  2. you may have an infection in /or on your ear, see your doctor for advice, antibiotics, and ask about your skin problem at the same time  

  3. If you're concerned about these things, and they're causing you to worry, you should just go and make an appointment to see the GP and find out.  That's what they're there for!

  4. The only thing I can think of about your ear problem is that it could be a spot/pimple. I used to get spots up there and they would cause my cartilage to get a bit fat. It could easily be something else, but I haven't a clue what.

    The mysterious green dot: this sounds very strange but I don't think it's cancer. I know it's a bit inconvenient, but you should see your GP about this.

    I've seen my doctor about moles before and a mysterious cyst-thing and both times doctors have said it's nothing serious, but I did the right thing to come in. With the cyst-thing the doctor removed it and sent it off to find out what it was, but no-one knew.

    Bodies can be strange sometimes = )

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