
What's wrong with my ear piercing??

by  |  earlier

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ok, on July 5th i got a second piercing in my ears and i took them out like a week to a week and a half ago. i've kept earrings in the whole time except when i take a shower and i try to take them out at least once a day - if not more - to clean my ears and the earrings with rubbing alcohol. but for some reason they are like...i don't know how to put this... there is "drainage" i guess you could say.. and they get all crusty on the back of my earlobe [i know, that's disgusting] but i don't know what to do!! i'm doing all i can. i clean them regularly and keep twisting my earrings and stuff.. can anyone tell me what's wrong?? and what i can do about it?





  1. You might consider trying a different metal, like surgical steele.  Get a good antibacterial soap to clean them with in the shower, and try to keep them dry as much as possible.  Be sparing with the alcohol, too much might dry it out.  Instead, maybe try an antibacterial cream.  Just make sure to keep your hands away from it as much as possible.

  2. Maybe you have an infection but too me it doesnt sound like

    all dramatic..

    I mean i get piercing like all the time lol jp

    but i got my ears twice just clean them i think the earlobe is supposed to stay in for 3 weeks i read but i never do??

    i have my lip and my nose??

    so idk

  3. the same thing happened to me. You cant be allergic to sugical steel, thats what i use. I got my ears pierced at claires and they used sterling silver and my ears were like yours. just take them and  make sure you clean it out. you cant expect them to get better with an earring in the infection. trust me I thought the same and that was just a very painful experience. If you totally have to have them in and cant wait a month and get it re pierced, then find some surgical steel earrings, usually at hottopic or any body piercing place. trust me when i say take them out let them heal then try again. if not your infection will get worse. no amount of alcohol could make it better.

  4. i think you're doing everything you're supposed to... your earrings probably aren't real silver though so they're getting infected. get better quality earrings and stick with your routine till its ok to take them out.


  6. Stop taking them out, you could end up with a trapped infection. If they are draining, it could be because the piercing(s) are still fairly new, and the substance draining could be lymph.

  7. here's your mistake: using alcohol to clean a piercing.

    try this instead: sea salt and warm water soaks.

    this drainage sounds like an infection.

    stop cleaning it with alcohol, you're drying the skin out too badly.

  8. mine did that too, just wait another week or too, and if it still happens go and see a docter. Mine just cleared up after a couple weeks.

  9. maybe your ear is allergic to the metal your putting in it. if its fake tht could be the problem. use real metal or earings for sensative ears. and you shouldnt take them out at all. even for a shower if you just got them done. itll heal slower.

  10. yoiu dont take your earrings out. your supposed to keep them in and put the rubbing alcohol on your lobe around the circle and then twist your earrings .

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