I've had an eastern painted turtle for three months now, I got him for my birthday. up until recently, every morning and every night he'd be really excited to eat. I feed him reptomin food sticks twice a day, and I give him freeze-dried krill and shrimp every couple of days.
two days ago, I gave him nothing but the freeze-dried krill in the morning and at night, because I had a lot left over and thought he'd like that for a day. but yesterday, he showed absolutely no interest in the food sticks and didn't look like he wanted to eat at all. but when I gave him the krill, he wanted those and ate plenty of them.
and today it's the same thing. this morning, I put a couple of food sticks in and he ate about three of them before losing interest [he normally eats 10 in a sitting]. I didn't offer him the krill because he's also not pooping and I'm getting really concerned.
also, when he's swimming, it looks like he's struggling a little bit and he gets a little lopsided. I really have no idea what's wrong with him...can someone help me?