
What's wrong with my ferret?

by  |  earlier

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My ferret has adrenal problems and she's old. I was wondering what was wrong with her 'a**s'. It seems to be contracting and looks like it's a little bloody. If anyone can help that would be awesome. Thank you.




  1. Please call vets that would know about this.  It sounds serious.  Time for a health check-up!

    Live well and do good.

  2. You should definitely get her to a vet asap. Are you noticing any blood in the stool as well? Adrenal can cause GI problems. Or it could be something unrelated like intestinal worms. Just get her to a vet right away. A bleeding ferret is a serious problem. They're small and it doesn't take long for them to become anemic or even die from the blood loss.  

  3. Does this happen right before, during, or right after she defecates?  It is likely a prolapsed r****m.  This condition can be caused by blockages, constipation, loose stools, and diarrhea.  Have your ferrets poops been normal?

    Either way looks like she needs a vet.

  4. You need to go to the vet right away!

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