
What's wrong with my fingernail?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not sure how the original issue started, but my pinky fingernail is really messed up. While all my other fingernails are like this (, my pinky nail is almost like this c. I tried to let it grow, but I keep smashing it on thngs. Now its cut short, but it appears to be growing in the wrong way. It literally has a 90 degre angle to it. If left alone will it eventually grow back correctly or do I need to consult a doctor? Any ideas?




  1. As long as it isnt infected, but if it is really bugging you you might want to see a doctor or maybe you can just call one and they can tell you whether or not to come in

  2. I caught my finger in a door years ago, lost a nail and had messed up regrowth. If it's causing you any pain at all, see your doc. If not, and it's just niggly and annoying, try what I did -  cover it up with a band aid. It's simple, it's cheap, it stops you from banging it on stuff, and it stops that horrible sensation you might be getting when stuff touches it. It may take a few weeks to get back to normal, but once its grown out it should be ok.

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