
What's wrong with my grandpa?

by  |  earlier

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hes 65 now, and i'm getting worried about him. there's the usual symptoms of being sick w/ the flu, coughing, sneezing, blahblah, but theres one thing. he keeps getting "muscle cramps". he calls it that, and it would be that if it happened to him once or twice. his cough is pretty severe, but he's better. i thought because he coughed so much, the sides of his stomach would cramp up. but ever since he's been sick, its happened to him maybe 6 or 7 times. and it's so sad to see him in agony every time it happens >;[. my mom ALWAYS tells him to go to the doctor, but he always avoids the doctor. to sum everything up, he used to have cramps in his knees, but after medication, that problem has been gone for years now. now hes getting cramps on the sides on his stomach, and im worried it could affect his heart and end up giving him a heart attack :O! could this become serious, or it could go away after he's not sick anymore? (hes been sick for about 3 weeks now) plz!




  1. All are symptoms of your of flu / viral fever, must have affected his lungs and general body pain +joint pain. Rest and protein diet will help him out.

    No at the moment he is not having any cardiac symptoms.

    So forget it, and take care of your grandpa, OK.

  2. im no expert with being old or anything... but if you are dehydrated you get cramps. may be thats a good reason? hope it helped

  3. Coughing and sneezing use all the muscles in your trunk area, and if you've been doing that for 3 weeks, you are going to get cramps in that area.

    Muscle cramps can't cause a heart attack by themselves. However, in heart disease, you can get muscle cramping--however, this is usually in the legs. (from clots). I wouldn't worry too much--he sounds as if he's just got a bad cold, or flu, or he might even have pneumonia--which can be serious in elderly people. You should tell him how much it means to you to have him visit a doctor, so you'll have some peace of mind and stop worrying. If he doesn't want to do it for himself, maybe he'll do it for you.

  4. Hi, your grandpa  has obviously been very sick with the Flu, and as you get older it sometimes hits you more severely, and takes longer to subside.Quite honestly he needs to go and see a doctor, if only to get some antibiotics to ease his symptoms, as far as his cramps are concerned it could be a kidney infection caused from him being sick for so long.Try and persuade him to see the doctor, they are the professionals, his body at this time is probably very weak due to his problems. I hope all will be well, you are obviously very caring

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