
What's wrong with my kitten?

by Guest66357  |  earlier

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My Cat had a litter of Kittens about a month ago, and some of the kittens are adventurous and like to run around and play outside.

The other day my mom discovered a cut on one of the kittens face

She put Neosporin on it, but he keeps scratching at it. And I just took a look at it, and All the hair around it is gone, and It looks like another Eye is forming on the side of his face, and In the center of it It's Hazel-ish.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with him?

I can try and take a picture to show you guys.

And it




  1. Take it to the vet hun.


  2. A few things, one - don't let your unvaccinated kittens outside, heck - vaccinated or not - they shouldn't be outside.  They can be hit by a car, taken by kids and tortured, poisoned or lost.  

    Two - NEOSPORIN is a NOT for cats.  It is for EXTERNAL use only, and a cat will l**k a wound to keep it cleaned - which means he is ingesting it - and it is a POISON.  Cats do not need antibiotics unless it's infected, and if it is, you should not be treating it yourself, a licensed vet should be.  They will know what kind of medication to use for that particular infection.  

    Three - if there is hair loss, and a tumor-like growth on your kitten - get it vet care immediately.  It can not be diagnosed here.

    Do not treat pets with human medication without vet's advice.  You don't medically treat animals the same way you would a human.... many human medicine and food are very harmful to animals, especially baby animals.

  3. Take it to the vet.

    Another eye would have formed in the womb NOT after,

    so it might be an absess or something else.

    just take it in.

    As far as neosporin ... I don't ever use human meds on my cats just in case it has something in it that would harm a cat.  Asprin will kill cats and other things will too. So be careful

    good luck

  4. Or may have parasites or mites under its skin. If it goes untreated it could spread all over. Go to your family vet and have them do a routine check up.

  5. it sounds like the poor little thing got a scratch or a cut, and its getting infected.  But you will want to get it to a vet to make sure it isn't a parasite or something catching.  He also may have been bitten by a spider or stung by a bee or something similar.

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