
What's wrong with my knees and hips?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday, they were fine. Today, I woke up, they were fine. Went to baseball practise, finished, came home, they were fine. Yet later that day, when I went out for a jog, I started getting strange cramps and kinks in my hips and knees. I could only run for about 30 seconds before it hurt to much to continue.

Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, and I'd just wait for it to go away, however, today I have a big race coming up at my track and field. I'm 12 years old (13 next January) and I can normally run 100m in 12-13 seconds, but I won't be able to do that with these cramps. I wonder if anybody knows what to do about this and if It is just from to much physical exertion in my legs. Thanks.




  1. Ouch, I have that and I'm twenty-three. It's ten times worse.

    People usually get cramps from hydration, believe it or not.

    That's why it is important to drink water while exercising!

    Every time I feel like a cramp is coming, I completely stop

    what I'm doing, get the water bottle, and sit down until

    I feel that it is COMPLETELY gone. If there's still a little

    cramp, and I get up again, it will come back quicker and get worse.

    But the water works wonders, so make sure to drink some before

    the race. Don't over drink though!

    Best of luck, kid. :)

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