
What's wrong with my mother?????

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My mom is been depress for the last month in half ever since the started of her nasty divorce. And didn't end good she got worst she cries so hard like someone hurt bad she had no energy, loss of sleep need to take sleeping pills,she doesn't eat, she gets scared of anything and doesn't wanted to be in the house no more. I have taking her to the E.R two times and they say she needs a psy, evaluation what should i do pls. help




  1. all i can say is do your best now to get her help. the longer you wait the worse it gets (sometimes). for alot of ppl time heals all wounds. but if you are really concerned for her and think she may need psych help...see if she will agree to go. i didnt push my mom to go to get help after her divorce. then before i knew it she was a blithering drunk and now lives in trash and smokes crack. does things i would have never in my wildest dreams thought she would or could do. there are so many men in her life it makes me sick. her divorce was final when i was now 26 and she has done nothing but continue down a bad road. i think she developed some kind of mental issue afterwards and mixing the beer and drugs...shes just a lost sole. has terrible self esteem (which i dont blame her there). i actually think today...i hate my mother. and i never thought i would say that. but there is no fixing her...ive tried but i think i was already too late. just help her now in whatever way you can. hopefully it wont get as ugly for you and her as it did for me and my mom. good luck

  2. As much as possible stay with her and keep an eye on her try to keep her safe. You are doing a good job by taking her to the the E.R. Keep her company if she can tolerate you. Keep quiet and if possible show her that you can take the pressure and life will go on. Eventually she will realize that it is time to turn the page. This might take time, it depends if she is willing to accept it quickly or dwell on it for a while. Be very patient.

  3. your mother is in a delicate situation,she needs time,try to talk with her,and make here understand that just because she is divorced she has you in her life and that`s all what count:)

  4. Well I'd listen to what they told you all in the ER?

    that would be the first steps that I'd do.. what can I hurt if she's that bad, she could not saying that she ever would but do bodily harm to herself.. seek medical attention soon!

    Best of luck just the same!

  5. Divorce is an extremely stressful thing to live through, especially if it comes as a shock to someone and they werent expecting it.  Let your mother know that you are concerned about her health and that you dont want her feeling that she is all alone in this - you can stick it out together.  Let her know that you will be there for her through thick and thin and that she has someone to talk with when times get rough.

    Your mother is in shock at the moment, which is the reason why she has trouble sleeping and eating.  Her crying is part of the grief of a being suddenly separated.  And her wish to leave the house is her trying to move on, so that she is no longer reminded of the marriage.  

    If she needs a psych evaluation, then offer to go along with her as moral support.  She does need to see a doctor to get some sleep and maybe a referral.

  6. Well my advice is to take her to go get the evaluation, Divorce is a really hard thing to go through, I just recently had a divorce and it was so stressful and I'm the one that asked for the divorce to better my life, but I was so stressed out that I broke out in hives really really bad. I had the hives for 8 months and I take a medication that's for allergies and it helps calm down the hives and it calmed it down so I don't have them anymore but I usually got a patch of hives and now I don't and I think the hives are totally gone and my divorce is done. It sounds like your mom is in very deep depression and she needs the psy to help her get through the tuff times, and just tell her that you love her all the time, my mom went through depression brought on by a medication and depression can make you feel like people don't love you so just keep letting her know, I will pray for you and your mom and good luck to you both.

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