
What's wrong with my parents?

by  |  earlier

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i pretty much hate my parents!!! why? well..

1. they talk to me as if i'm an idiot

2. they restrict me from doing things i want

3. they don't allow me to swear when they do

4. they blame me when it's totally my brother's fault

5. they don't understand a single thing

6. they beat the **** out of me when i do something wrong

7. they think i'm stupid.. and they actually said that to me

8. they don't allow me to speak english at home?

9. they sometimes are on the verge of punching me or spanking me

10. they are over protective

11. they force me to do things like when i don't want to eat, they force me to eat

12. i just got my period and they are freaking out

13. they are sometimes racist

14. they expect me to do everything perfectly

15. THEY ARE ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

are parents supposed to be like this?




  1. you sound like a typical teenager, most teenagers don't like their parents very much.

  2. NO! sorry hunny but i think they need those parent counceling thingys.

  3. wow!

    much of this is normal, but some is not. In fact, to call a child stupid or beat them is illegal. Why would they freak out that you have your period, I wonder. The next time you get beat, take the bruises to a school counselor and report them. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling they are immigrants. (forgive me if I'm wrong, but I get that impression) If they are, then when you report the abuse, ask for asylum.  

  4. well, i can relate to the "don't allow you to speak english at home"

    my parents tell me to speak Chinese at home, because its difficult to learn a new language if you grow older.  And I am CHinese but I speak english alot, so if I go to china one day, I wont know what to say.  

    i can relate to where u sed, "They force me to eat things i dont like" becuz every single parent does that.  They all want you to try different sorts of stuff, and sometimes they say its good for you.  My grandma wuld cook stuff for me every day, and I eat it all,. no matter what..  They say it is good and healthy for you and if u never tried it before, then try it anyways.  U never know if u dont try.

    Ur parents want u to become a good person, so if they beat u up then dont do it again!!

    Try telling them how u feel.

  5.      What nationality are they that you can't speak English in your home?  It sounds like they are very old world in their parenting, and you are a modern American teen, so the two cultures are clashing.  I would try several things.  First, I would calmly discuss the language issue with them.  Explain that they brought you to this country for all of the advantages that it has to offer, but you can not take advantage of them unless you are fluent in our language, so you need to practice it constantly.  Secondly, I would speak to my guidance counselor when school starts and explain all of this to her.  She can call them in for a conference and attempt to get them to see how they are holding you back with their current parenting practices.  Sometimes it is just the fact that the 'child' is voicing these objections.  If they hear it coming from another adult, particularly an educated one in an authority position, they will be more likely to hear what is being said to them.

  6. no, is there some other adult you can talk to? i wish i could tell you what's wrong with them but there truly is something wrong with them.  

  7. , your parents are being over protective, I don't know what you can do about it, maybe talk to them about it

  8. you must be a teenager right.

  9. i think everyone can relate to you, including me! you have to learn to live with them and really get to know them, because once u dont have your parents anymore it would be tough.

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