
What's wrong with my rat's feet?

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my rat's feet are swollen and there are big red blisters on the soles of his feet. We've covered up all the bars of his cage with plastic and paper so there's nothing to make them worse. What could it be? Any help would be appreciated.




  1. This sounds like bumblefoot. It was commonly believed to be caused by walking on cage bars, but more recent thought is that genetics and obesity are the main causes. Either way, the most common treatment is something called Blu-Kote. There is more information here but I'd strongly recommend talking to your vet.

  2. carolangela is right it is probably bumble foot you should take it to the vet.

  3. this is bumble foot, they get it from constatly walking on bars, you should always have a soft floor for them to walk on. It will help but not cure their problem you need to take it to the vet. I would advise buying a proper rats cage or a guinea pig cage with narrow bars because these dont have the wire bases.

  4. Sounds like bumblefoot:

  5. Commonly called Bumblefoot and scientifically pododermatitis.this is a common ailment in rats and guinea pigs.Birds get it too.When the blisters break open the wound bleeds a lot.Your rat may need an antibiotic and for that you'd have to bring him to a vet.sometimes this helps.

    However in my experience with guinea pigs,

    it could present a chronic life long problem.It doesn't go away easily.

    You could try washing his feet with a clorhexidine wash once a day. A natural treatment would be active Manuka honey(order on the internet),applied at least twice a day.There may even be a collagen product available from an exotics specialist type of vet.

    My advice to you is look up the ailment's  scientific and common name on the web and read all you can about it.

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