
What's wrong with my rat??

by  |  earlier

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So something is just not quite right with my rat, Creasy-bear. He is almost a year old, and he is a dumbo black berkshire. He lives in a very docile group which consists of 4 other rats about half his age. He fits in quite well with them, being that he has an underdog personality and gets picked on by older rats. So he is the alpha, just based on his size/age, he never fights with them, and he is the peacemaker of the group. They don't fight with him either, and they mostly just use him as a big squishy pillow.

Lately he just has seemed...not well. His breathing is fine, he has no scabs, and I can't find anything else that would make this happen. But lately he has nearly doubled in weight, and he is now almost 700 grams (but doesn't eat alot), and he is losing his fur on his legs/arms, and his fur is thinning on his back, and he has little blue circles on his back.

He has slowed down quite a bit, and all he wants to do is sit in my lap and have his big dumbo ears scratched.

I'm getting worried about him.

Is this just old age, or is this a sign of an illness???

Oh, and i'm pretty sure he doesn't barber himself, being that he has plenty of toys/stimulation in his cage, and he gets over an hour of "out" time, in the rat room every night, and that is filled with toys and tubes and tents as well...




  1. Its not the age, it is probably a illness. Bring him to the vet, they can possibly cure it. Good luck.

  2. I think your rat may have ringworm or another fungal disease. i would go to a vet to have him checked out so it wont spread to you  

  3. he could have eaten something while out of the cage, or it could be a medical issue. I suggest you get him to a vet asap. such a dramatic weight loss is almost never ok.

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