
What's wrong with my secondary acount, and is secondary gold profile only for a month?

by Guest67315  |  earlier

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I made a profile for a friend of mine. I did it through mine, I bought the 12 month Live Gold subscription and got 3 other memberships but only for a month. What I didn't understand was, are those memberships (the free ones) Gold memberships? And if yes, they should degenerate to Silver after that month right? And if yes, does that mean my friend won't be able to play in Live anymore at all? Because after the month was up we couldn't get him back into XBox Live to play Halo 3.




  1. Yes you get the12 months of xbox live and your friend gets one month of xbox live for free for becoming a member. You are allowed to make up to three different accounts on xbox live for the one month free membership. Yes they degenerate down to silver. Yes she wont be able to participate on xbox live to play halo and other games. She has to either make another of the three allowed accounts for 1 more month free and lose her achievements or she can buy the gold for a certain number of months. Hope this helps

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