
What's wrong with my tomato plant? Or is it fine?

by  |  earlier

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This is my first time growing tomato's. I planted them sometime in June.(I can't for the life of me remember when.) I used big pots because I just don't trust my ground/soil. So far the plant has only two tomato's. Which are green and solid. Not soft like most tomato's are.

Is there anything wrong with my tomato's? Are they suppose to be hard before you pick them? Also when are they going to turn red?

Oh and also it looks like the leaves are starting to die and turn yellow.

I'm so sad with my tomato's, I was more happy when I first started seeing them. Now I just seem down about them. =(




  1. your plants are fine. it has been a hot year so far here in texas, almost to hot for tomatos. you also planted at the wrong time of the year should of been a couple month's before june. now is the time for your fall garden to be planted. put them in a little shade for part of the day and make sure they get plenty of water. in pots they tend to dry out more. wait until they are red before picking. good luck and happy gardening.

  2. they sound like they need some nutrients  and if the nights have been cool they won't turn red,  tomato's need warm nights for that  . green tomato's are hard so it's normal . do a soil test or take a soil sample to your county cooperative extension for testing  

  3. Keep the green tomatoes on your plant until they turn red. They'll be firm for a few days but when they are starting to look very red, take them off the vine. Eat them that day because they'll be perfect.  Nothing like vine-ripe tomatoes!

    But tomatoes are hard, I know.  I am having trouble with them myself and I also planted them in pots.  They need a lot of sun, a bit of shade so they won't burn, and they need moist but not soaked soil.  If the leaves are turning yellow, it doesn't mean the plant wont produce more tomatoes, unless you're not seeing any at this point.  It takes practice....just keep trying.  If you have a window with all day sun, you might even be able to grow some indoors; people do it all the time.  Good luck!!

  4. are your pots draining? maters don't like a lotta water may be root rot!

    the soil gets stagnant wont grow or produce,fruit.

  5. first your tomatoes should turn red before you pick. you may need to mix peters special for plant food to help the soil. it should make your tomatoes grow larger. if you dont have any spots or aphids then they may need more sun. if you find insects, go to local garden center and talk with someone to decide what they need to be treated with.

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