
What's wrong with saying this?

by  |  earlier

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I said to a woman, if you're going to behave like a bi*ch, then yes, you are a bi*ch.

I wasn't calling her one, I was just saying that if she followed through with a bi*chy act, that she would be one.

Now, if anyone said to me, if I behaved like a ba$tard, that I'd be a ba$tard, I wouldn't argue with that because if it was a messed up thing I was going to do, then it's the truth, so why would she argue and throw insults?




  1. You need to know that girls are more sensitive then guys. You should know this by now. But once you say something, you can't take it back. Just apologize to her, and mean it. I think you were being too harsh on her, girls don't like it when a guy treats her or any women like that.

    And another thing, theres other words to use than the word b*tch. You could just said..."Your acting mean" or something along that line. Cussing is just what everyone says to act "cool" or "tough".

  2. Yes. You were wrong because you were rude and harsh. There are ways to say things rather than calling a woman - b*tch.

  3. The word bi*ch is very touchy to women. I have seen a many fist fight caused by that very adjective.

    I don't know why women are so sensitive about that word. It also depends on who it is coming from.  

  4. well its simple...she's a betch. I mean come on even if you call someone that, it's not bad it means...You are being a BETCH! lol. she must have been having a bad day or she is just uptight!

  5. i dont get it i kind of but uassaly you call people bi*ches if they really fu*king annoying

  6. Yeah it was wrong. There's other ways to say things without hurting people.

  7. Well I think you've already answered your question, what would you call someone who has arguing with you and throwing insults your way?

    A bit*ch?

    You said it yourself she is now acting like one and so deserves to have the title of one. She is probably just a self-centred person who really is never going to try and reason with you so you might as well just give the title that fits her behaviour.

  8. well listen i really don't usually care when people call me a ***** because  i know sometimes i can  be one but when a guy says it to me  i break down because us girls don't like it when guys see our bitchy and dark side. it hurt her a lot. don't say it again.


  9. She's a woman, most of them are over dramatic, overly sensitive and way too emotional. Just kick her in the face the next time she behaves like a ***** and wants to argue, that will shut the ***** up.

  10. Yuk not nice to mention ****** when talking to a girl. Probably the only thing worse would be h o.

  11. i understand ur point but u should not always call women a ***** if she was one well yh but not if she is acting like one  

  12. It depends what you define to be a ***** act.  If she really was being like that fair enough but maybe it was way you said.  If shes getting angry about it then she obviously disagrees and you will need to explain to her what she is doing that is wrong.  Maybe she has her own reasons why she is being like that.  Talk to her.

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