
What's wrong with skin bleaching?

by  |  earlier

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i'm a person who wants to do it, not to point i'm MJ but i like the caramel complexion, sort of how rihanna is.




  1. What is wrong with you? You wanna know whats wrong with it. You lose your pride and self dignity. Why would you wanna do such a thing?

  2. I dont know but I AM HAPPY with  what I got

  3. it could give u bad affect when u get older  

  4. dont do it

  5. No one cares. Do it.

    I'll always think it's creepy. And damaging to the skin.......

    MJ has Vitiligo. Grow up.

  6. Nothing's wrong with it, but it has to be done right. I mean, have you seen Lil Kim lately? You don't want to turn out looking weird, but light skin played out, your complexion is fine girl.!

  7. It destroys the pigments in your skin, and does damage to the skin itself. It's just not safe.

  8. another black girl that hates her skin


    love the skin you got don't try and be any lighter be proud of who you are !!

  9. not natural and looks tacky

  10. Whilst I think it is sad that anyone would want to perminantly destroy something that is such an intrical part of them and their history such as their skin colour I am more concerned about the dangers of skin bleach.  Do a quick google on skin bleach to read some of the dangers associated with it.  It's not wonder that it is banned in most contries.

  11. Nothing is wrong with it if this is your choice.

    But don't take it to extremes like Michael Jackson did.

    Who is he trying to fool, anyway? LOL

  12. Okay, so you're not going to be convinced not to do it. The lightening creams contain an acid called hydroxy acid. It could have serious long term affects on your health. The medical council have been trying to ban the 'over the counter' version of this product, as it has been linked to cancer, liver & kidney problems. (info on link below) Can I suggest, if you do decide to go ahead, to talk with your doctor about it first. They may have a prescription version of the cream which can be monitored while you are using it and will be much safer. I know how you feel, I have vitilligo on my face. I only have three small patches, but they are getting more noticeable and I was considering skin bleaching. I never wear make up as a rule, but will probabaly have to in the not too distant future. I can honestly say, there is no way I would put my health at risk for something like that. Besides I have no doubt that you are quite beautiful anyway and have no need to change the color of your skin.    

  13. too many chemicals. darker blotchy appearances. the skin is more susceptible to skin cancer. my advice dont do it.  

  14. thas great i like it when girls bleach. have u heard of bleaching your private parts alot of p**n starts do it it looks great!

  15. sure but find a safe place to do it

  16. it can literally rot the skin. i mean i dont think you could die from it lol, but you skin can burn  

  17. Personally In My Oppinion  You Look Fine Already (:|:) I Don`t Think You Should Do It (:|:) Think About It Theres A Slight Chance You Could End Up Like Michael J. ***** A Dried Up Permed Out Freak*****

  18. uhm it's extremely stupid and g*y and retarded and like why would anyone ever want to do it? and it's probably so unhealthy for you, your just a really ******** stupid person if your gonna do it.

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