
What's wrong with some global warming?

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I mean it's too bad that it won't happen, just like the Ozone hole will never give us cancer, just like the acid rainfall will never kill our forests.

You people who believe in global warming are the nicest people on earth, because you still have faith to believe scoundrels like Al Gore. You actually believe Obama or Hillary will make things better. I don't blame you. I like you for your childlike hope. I just don't want you to inherit the nightmare that these ambitious opportunists will turn loose on you.




  1. Nothing would be wrong with it, if it were true.  I'm in Ohio, I would love to be playing golf right now.  But oh well, global warming is just a dream of many ohioians.

  2. Nothing is wrong with it. I just hope it slows down the next ice age. If current trends continue, we may eventually begin to wish the myth about CO2 warming the planet was true. No matter what though be sure to remember that man did it.

  3. Bit of a poorly thought out statement, for a start the Ozone hole is linked to increased skin cancer, Australia has done a number of studies on this, as they are one of the most affected countries.

    Having a science background I have followed this for almost 10 years and find many of the posts here and other sites bizarre The scientific community has strong evidence for GW from many different streams of science all pointing to an ongoing problem directly linked to our use of Co2 and other gases. After reading everything I can on both sides the denier  argument seems to boil down to a lot of different theories that its not happening which 'with any sort of research' lead nowhere i.e. to people who aren’t scientists or are in their 90's and have strong links to oil money.

    With new theories from Russians about the Sun cooling, which are actually old theories that were discounted a decade ago, or longer. When these theories are mentioned they usually lead back to blogs or rightwing sites like newsmaxx but never to anything with an ounce of scientific credibility, And now the attempt to label GW as a religion.

    Given that it is very easy to find real facts and figures on things like Human Co2 output (40-45 billion tons) and compare it to say Volcanic output (200 million tons) how can anyone say we are now not having an effect. Yes politicians are a pain but this was around before Al Gore and will be around after Obama or Hillary. This isn't childlike hope as I think politicians are more interested in there own short term futures to really try and fix this, and they will backslide and not fix the problem.

  4. the facts are in there is nothing or very little that can be done.. its like a snowball sitting in the sun... most of it is going to melt.. i'm not a doomsayer.. but we are in the s of it with this one.. remember most of the polluting companies were the ones saying nothing is gong to happen.. dont believe me, look at the past 10-15year weather changes... look at it from your 24/7 free online  city public library web site, or any tv weather online site... the facts are in, now can we elect a pres that is not taken by the lobby's $, and really try and work with the rest(most) of the world and do something , but the snowball back in the fridge, i think so, remember the last world summit , what countries said that they would not cut pollutants... right the big ones or better said the ones with the big companies.. look for a moment.. do you think the big companies care about us small folks.. research that everything from labor lay off's, movinging to poorer countries where they can frrely pollute and pay the people pennies a day, and here you cant afford to get sick, middle class cant afford it twice.. its crazy out here. but some will sit back and drink another beer and toss the can into a trash pit and say all is right with the world..research it for yourself..

  5. i dont care what al gore says. i care what scientists are saying. the ozone hole and acid rain have not become major problems because we acted.

    remember images such as this?

  6. Ok you make NO sense!

    Plus I really don't care what others THINK they know.

  7. what?! do i get the feeling that you DONT believe in global warming?! that is ridiculous (no offense...), but global warming is all around us! news flash- there is nothing we can do to prevent global warming, we can only slow it down. global warming seriously changes our planet, and some people think it might lead to the end of the world (im not sure if i do or dont believe that...) anyway, just recycle and save the planet...ok? better late than never in a crisis like this...

  8. And to think you proved your case without relying on any technical arguments.  Darned impressive.

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