
What's wrong with speed cameras raising revenue?

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A week or so ago Swindon covered up their speed cameras as they were not a safety feature and just existed to raise money from the motorist. I would correct that to raise money from the irrisponsible and incompetent motorists.

Why not raise money this way? Why not put speed cameras in non-blackspots which just fine and give no points.

Is it not fair that responsible people are rewarded for their responsibility by having a share of the public purse paid by the irresponsible?




  1. There is no point to the Cameras at all, it's just one other way for the government to spy on us

  2. Because in my area they hide them on corners and when people see them they slam their brakes on and it causes more accidents. Hate the bloody things anyway, in my opinion they are a pain in the ****, I speed everywhere I go mainly. I slow down in built up areas and stick to the speed limit there and obviously on sharp corners but what is the point in doing 60MPH on a straight road where you can see a mile down it???

  3. I entirely agree with the elected representatives of the people of Swindon - the Swindon Town Council.

    Speed cameras are of no benefit to anyone.  The revenue collected from them goes straight into the's coffers and none of it is for local use or benefit.

    Speed cameras do not save lives or reduce road deaths or accidents.

    Britain's worst road  . . . .

    There is now a crew of guys going about on motorbikes setting fire to these hated speed-cams, designed exculsively to take money from the pockets of the people without giving anything in return. greed.

    They wasted all of our tax money on their hair-brained schemes and now there's nothing left in the treasure chests they want to squeeze us for more wonga for yet more hair-brained schemes.

    Down with the - time for change. . . . .

  4. Don't tell me you only drive on a Sunday and wear a flat cap??

    Seriously if you live in the real world wake up and smell the coffee whilst I'm not saying that people who drive like lunatics get away with speeding etc... it's just on the whole most people can drive responsibly at realistic speeds and be perfectly safe to do so.  Also most people slow down for the cameras only to accelerate back up again a bit of a nonsense if you ask me. : )

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