
What's wrong with the US being tougher on criminals? Shouldn't people be scared of the consequences? ?

by Guest67052  |  earlier

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I saw a question on another section on here that sparked this. I think we are way to soft on crime in the US and it is getting out of hand. I think people (criminals) in general are not scared to go to prison. You get three squares a day. In some prisons you get internet access very few but some do, you can go to college for free, free health care etc. I think we need more physical consequences like in Singapore. If you get caught smuggling in drugs to there you get put to death. DEATH what a great idea. Not putting you in jail for 30 years and you come out bitter and kind find a job so you go back to crime. Remember that boy in the 90's who spray painted a car he was american and got publicly canned. Guess what i have been there and no graffiti anywhere because people are scared of the consequences. In the US he would of gone to juvi for a few months then had to do community service boo woo how bad is that. NO beat the heck out of him and tell him stop it.

If we could combine our free speech with their strict laws it would be a great country




  1. For a small island, Singapore have more prisons that an average population size city in USA. Just like Communist Russia, lengthy imprisonment is oe of the tools employed by totalitarian regime. A lawyer in Singapore can go to jail just for being late for court trial. Singapore rank next to China and Saudi Arabia for state executions. You get your brains shot off in China and your head hacked off in Saudi Arabia. In Singapore it is the long drop hanging and supposed to be more humane. Although there are little graffiti in Singapore, there are thousands of illegal foreigners who are prepared to suffer 3 strokes of the rattan on their naked bums, scarring them and having erectile dysfunction for life.

    Singapore policy makers usually simplify their approach to solve complicated social problems. Too many babies? Tie down fallopian tubes. Traffic jams? Doubles charges for road use. Problems with sticky gums? Ban them. Slow down in economy? More casinos.  

  2. sure people are always scared of the consequences but nobody thinks of the consequences when they do the crime.  

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