
What's wrong with the name Madison?

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Admittedly, Madison isn't one of my favourite names, but can't people be a bit more considerate and less narrow-minded?

First of all, Madison IS a girls name. Otherwise, why would it be #4 on the 2007 US top 1000 GIRL names? Just because it ORIGINALLY was a boys names doesn't mean it has to be anymore. There are lots of of girls names that started off as boy names, like Ashley, Morgan, Alexis or Vivian.

Another comment that pops up a lot when the name Madison is suggested is "OMG it's way too common". Yes, Madison is very common but why does that mean people can't use it?


Why is Madison so much worse than other 'common' or unisex names?




  1. Nothing is wrong with the name Madison. It's all down to personal preference..

  2. Yikes!  Someone's a little upset...

    Really though, Madison is a beautiful name.  It's just that a lot of people don't like Top 20 names... that's all.  No one's picking on Madison... they're picking on its popularity.  They would also pick on Emily and Sophia too, I'm sure.  

  3. I like the name Madison I know little girls whom name is Madison I like it very much... Especially Madison Brooke..  Nothing wrong with it at all..........

  4. There is nothing wrong with the name Madison.

    When someone makes a petty comment about the name just tell them " and your name is?"  

  5. I like the name personally so i named my God Daughter's middle name and whoa! it's Madison, lol

    Great name, very popular, but who cares?  The parents loved it and let me name her and i am forever grateful!

    I love calling her Maddie even though her first name is Annabelle.

    Just seems like an old fashioned first name needed a more upbeat, yet old fashioned name as well.

  6. there's nothing wrong with Madison. I think it's a pretty name. And who cares what other people think. It's not like their opinions matter.  

  7. Madison can be a last name or girls name. Origanlly it was a boy's name but a lot of girls use the name Madison now, and It's a bit hard to find a boy name Madison. Well not that I know of

  8. We're not narrow minded, you are and all the other people who shame little girls with the hideous ugly Madison, because they think it's "cute". It's not cute, it's horrible. Poor little girls who parents really wanted a son.

  9. nothing wrong for me ,just in you divide it into mad & son.

  10. i  really like the name madison. my sister almost named her daughter that, but went with madeline instead.

    i like names that aren't as common, but if someone wants to name their child madison, the popularity shouldn't stop them. plus, you can call them maddy instead.

  11. I know several Madison's & they're all girls. I like the name.  

  12. WRONG. Just because people torture little girls with it does NOT make it a girl's name.

    It IS a Boy's name. It IS a surname. It's MASCULINE. And it means SON OF MAUDE.

    There's nothing feminine about it. Nothing girly about it. Nothing Unisex about it.

    Females are called daughters. Males are called sons. Not the other way around.

  13. I don't think of Madison as a boys name anymore. It WAS at the top of my list of girl names, but that was a few years ago. To common now, but still a good name.

  14. i like madison

  15. Hm, sons can be boys AND girls? Didn't know that.

  16.   Nothing. I think it's a great name! I love it.

  17. i love the name madison.  

  18. I don't like it, but not for any of the reasons that you listed.  I just don't like it--I think of Madison Ave, or Madison Square Garden, and those aren't things that I want as a mental connection to my daughters name.  

    *I too get sick of seeing the "OMG it's way too common!!"  I think at this rate I'd prefer common to weird, but on the other hand, by the time I actually have children of my own to name, what is "common" now will be virtually unheard of, and my little Abigail or Jacob will be anomalies in a classroom of Raynes and Seraphinas.*

  19. I personally love the name Madison.  I never knew it was originally a boys name so thats really interesting.

  20. i think Madison is a great name

    u can make it sound even better if u add something like  claire after it

    Madison claire

    i think sounds like a magazine or movie star

    either way i think madison is beautiful nmae which means Madison is a German name which was brought to Old England which means "Son of a mighty warrior".

    madison morgan sounds good too  

  21. I Like it I just

    Think it

    is way

    over used

  22. I personally love the name. I am currently pregnant with triplets, and was planning on naming one of them Madison Ann. But some peoples comments have been rather rude. I don't care that it is "common", or that "there will no doubt be several of them in the same class at school". Well, no there won't, I live in a very small town and don't know any other Madisons in my local area. I love it. I have never heard it used as a boys name. I just like it because it's a pretty name, no weird spelling, and pretty much goes with any middle name :)

  23. I don't think anything is wrong with the name Madison. I think it is perfectly normal. It is just a little common thats all!

  24. I'm with you. I hate it when people say that very girly names are boys names. If all of the names were originally boys names, what names were for girls?? I love Madison, but I would never use it because common names arent my style.

  25. I don't think it's "worse than other common or unisex names"  I really don't like the other boy's as girl's names that you posted (except Vivian, that is, Vivienne, which IS fem.)  But I still do see it as a masculine sort of name; it means "son of Matthew" after all

    Anyway, it IS a trend name, but has been around before this "boy as girl" trend started (well, maybe it was one of the very first), so fans of the name aren't necessarily following this current fad.

    As for me personally, I don't like it because I like feminine names for girls.  I think that's one thing some ppl don't think about.  "Strong" does not mean "not feminine"  I guess with the roles of women growing more and more what is "traditionally male," parents are unconciously filling in the gaps and giving their daughters male names.

  26. The name madison is a very cute name! The only reason I don't like it is because of its popularity, but that's just me! And my opinion shouldn't matter anyway! If you love it, then use it! Who cares what other people think!  

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