
What's wrong with the pony?

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There's a pony at my riding school that I have to look after sometimes. When I put the saddle on or tighten the girth she objects. She is very well mannered but she will bite and even try to kick me. I am not pinching her with the girth or anything like that because she starts when I pick the saddle up, before I even touch her. The other day she was in the field and her rug was hanging off and she went to bite me and put her ears back and all I did was pull it down on one side.

I don't know what she's like when she's ridden but only little kids ride her so I doubt they could have hurt her by kicking her too hard. Also when I don't look after her another girl does who is a lot more experienced than me and she hasn't mentioned anything, so that makes me think I am just making something out of nothing.

Sorry about the long question but I just wanted you to know everything so you can decide is there anything wrong or is she just grumpy?




  1. Humm call a vet and check her back. It might be sore.

  2. Just do what your doing and he will get used to it so he will do what you want him to do

  3. sounds like a school sour pony.   She's learned she can threaten and intimidate the small children.

    We had a pony named Rocky Fudge.  He learned to litterally sit on kids, pin the to the wall with his body and sit on them.  Thankfully he was only 11 hands and not a thick pony.  He would stand up and act right if a adult called his name.  He never hurt the kids but he did worry them enough they wouldnt saddle or bridle him

    Tell that pony to stand up and cut it out if he misbehaves. Put him in cross ties if you have to but dont let him bully you.

  4. Get a chiropracter to look at the horse's back. It could have a spinal problem or it could be suffering from 'cold-back'.

  5. I agree with jeffsaddler and tdadams also her tack may not fit her properly or her back could be sore. It could also be that she was sore at some stage either from an old injury or miss fitting tack and she associates the saddle and being tacked up with pain.

    You should talk to the barn manager and ask if she could organise a vet check for the pony.

  6. Sounds like she has had some bad experiences and this is how she has learned to avoid what hurt her. She could be sore from being used too much and by too many. It's a bad habit that needs to be corrected. Perhaps cutting down on how much she is used could help. I hope this pony does not bite you, it hurts. Kicking is one of the things I hate most, this pony can hurt you with a well-placed shot at you. Take care and tell someone about how this pony reacts. If this is happening to you, you are not making something out of nothing. It is something that needs to be taken care of. Take care of yourself and please be on guard around this pony.

  7. My Appy started doing that to me when I would saddle her, until I changed the girth and saddle pad.  She had one of those rope ones, and I got her a much nicer one and a build up pad.  She was getting older and losing weight around her withers.  She stopped after I changed it.  

    You might also get her checked for sand.  I ended up losing my mare to a sand colic 7 years later.  Don't know if that early objection to the girth could have been a really early warning or not.  The vets thought she might have had a partial blockage which created the sand build up.  It's just something else to check during the vet visits.

  8. Because she has been handled by many little kids, she has probably been cinched really tight without being walked out first. Some horses are more sensitive than others. Most horses hate having their cinches pulled tight without walking. It is a bad behavior and should be handled as such. Make sure to snug her girth a little at a time. Walk her out and tighten it the rest of the way. If she still tries to bite or kick, I would slap her on the neck and say "NO" loudly. You can also hold your elbow up, so she runs into your elbow and disiplines herself when she tries to bite. It is a dangerous habit, especially since she is used by children.

  9. It sounds like her back might be out if she objecting to the saddle so soon. Try standing behind her and holding her tail sevral inchs below the bone and lean back. The pony should lean foward if its helping. This will allow the pony to stretch out her back and adjust it.

    Also being a school pony is not exactly a party when you have little kids riding you. She probaly needs time off in a big pasture. I realize sinces its not your pony this may be hard but the pony is clearly upset and needs a break so tell the owners.

    Also as silly as this sounds having a more experinced person ride her will help. She will learn that not every ride is going to be a little kid who is just learning. Have one of the best riders ride her once a week and do something fun like gaming. (english games not western) allow this pony to have a mental break if she can't have time off in a large pasture.

  10. School ponies often learn that by acting up they often do not get put to work.

    Also many horses hate to be ridden by kids.  They simply do not like to tolerate the confusing signals and such a kid gives them.

  11. Well considering shes a pony she probably has that adtitude (i know mine does lol). I would just let her know that if she bites you, your gonna bite her right back (i dont advise you to literaly bite her, just maybe pinch her nose of slap her on the sholder). I doubt theres anything wrong with her, shes just taking adantage of you. Also make sure when you tighten the girth, you tighten it a little bit, walker her for 10 seconds, tighten it a little more, walk for 10 seconds, and then tighten it the rest of the way. Good luck!

  12. Many ponies having to deal with little kids get sour. She may have had an injury in the girth area or she just knows that when the girth gets tightened a little kid gets on and bounces all over her back and pulls on her mouth.

  13. She just sounds like a typical miserable old riding school pony.

    Someone putting a saddle on her means that she has to work. Someone going to her in the field usually means she's going to be caught and then have too work. It gets to them after a while.

    If she's girthy tie her up when you deal with her and if she bites smack her on the nose instantly.

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