
What's wrong with the world?

by  |  earlier

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Loving you own race only leaves room to discriminate.

Nations dropping bombs, chemical gasses filling the lungs of little ones.

Most of us only care about money making.

Selfishness has us going in the wrong direction.

Wrong information always shown by the media.

Negative images is the main critera and it's affecting the young minds faster than bacteria.

Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema.

^That's a song.

But it's sooo true.

I could keep the list going.

But seriously,

what has happened to the world?





  1. FREE WILL and GREED!!!

  2. I believe things are the best it ever was for humanity. I took a history class for college a while back, and it has made me realize how good we have it. Slavery is not as common, children are not being sold that often, we have the ability to control plagues (so far). I like living nowadays

    I will agree with you that humanity is not that great. I blame the media for that. I see celebrities turned into gods, and peoples live inside their television set.  

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