
What's wrong with this woman ??

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There's this 44 year-old woman at work that's constantly bugging me. I'm 22. She told me that she found me attractive n stuff. She touches me as if I was her best friend in the world, she looks at me like... weird. Help me out? she kind of scares me.




  1. She is exploiting the POWER of her age difference to coax you into having s*x with her.

    File a Harassment charge with HR

  2. if you don't like her, then tell her to leave you alone. if she persists, then be brutal and tell her you find her totally unattractive and wouldn't want her if she was the last woman left alive on earth.  That might cool her ardour.

  3. Tell her you find her overfamiliarity uncomfortable and you'd like her to stop it.  

    If she doesn't stop, talk to your boss.  It sounds like sexual harassment to me.

  4. Tell her you're involved with someone. If she persists tell her you're not interested. But be sure to let others know in case she pulls the sexual harrassment trick.

  5. Tell her you want top keep everything professional between you, and have only a professional relationship.  If that doesn't work, say, "Please, I'm trying to work here."

  6. She has the hots for you.If your not into her tell her to back off.And if she doesn't tell your boss.

  7. How do you respond? Do you just let it slide?

    If you don't want that kind of attention, speak up!. Talk to the women, and if she persists, take the matter to your supervisor. This is your workplace, keep things professional.

  8. dan, let her down gently.  there's nothing wrong with her, she just likes you! lol.

  9. I think I'd tell someone of authority at your work.  If you turn her down and it makes her mad she can accuse you of sexual harassment and that wouldn't be good.

    She wants your bod.

  10. This is not unusual.  Women reach their sexual peak later in life than men, and she is probably seeking a partner that can keep up with her.

    Since this is happening at work, if it makes you uncomfortable you need to tell her to stop it.  If she continues after being told to stop, it is harassment. You do not have to put up with this behavior.

  11. Tell her quietly and privayely that her attention makes you uncomfortable and is inappropriate in a place of business.  Always be unavailable to her thereafter.  If she touches you again, tell her nicely but firmly not to do that again and that you don't appreciate it.  Remind her that her behavior would be frowned upon by HR.  And this is very important:  document EVERYTHING.  Write down everything that happens and when, what she says, what you said, and the result.  If you can have a trusted friend be a witness to her behavior, even better.

    If none of this works, speak to your manager and ask your manager to speak to her manager.  All companies have a protocol for reporting behavior such as this.  If you go crying to HR without following your employer's procotol, you'll just be shooting yourself in the foot.  Remember it's your word against hers, and you must present your case with strong evidence.  Good luck to you.

  12. Tell her she reminds you of your mother.

  13. I'd hit it.....

    Just wait until you wake up and you're her age and the little 22 year old doesn't want anything to do with you.

    What goes around comes around.

    Take one for the team.

  14. She's a L*****n,no other way to describe it.

    I mean she said she finds you attractive.

  15. Hi Dan ...

    Nothing is wrong, she just likes you.  What does her age have anything to do with it?  There are a lot of people who prefer older partners.  The important factor here is that you need to decide if you like her too, or if you want her to stop.  If you want her to stop then tell her nicely.  You don't need to be rude about it.  I doubt she'll persist if you do that.  Good luck!

  16. The way I see it, you have 2 good choices:  You can take her up on it and enjoy a really good bl@w job like most guys would, or you can play along and flirt with her like crazy.  It's great fun and you probably could use the practice anyway.  What's the harm in having a little fun with it?  Even if you wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole!  Life's too short, so don't be so uptight!

  17. You sound like a very inexperienced young man so just come out and tell her that she is making you uncomfortable.  But be nice and tactful about it.  While I am 51, I have never brought that kind of behavior into the work place.    Don't get me wrong I see nothing wrong with an older woman/younger man relationship.  But the workplace isn't the place to be looking for action no matter how old or young you are.  Otherwise don't be so up tight...  She could probably teach you some new moves.

  18. Just tell her you don't feel comfortable with her touching you.

  19. Tell her you aren't interested and to stop with the touching and staring. If she doesn't stop, report her for sexual harrassment.

    That's what women are told to do in the Army if a guy is harrassing them.

  20. either;

    approach her, ask her why shes doing it, if it is that she 'fancies' you then tell her thats not what you want, and you find her creepy.

    but obviously dont go 'oh hey i think your a creepy stalker' that a never never.


    just ignore her, and if she carries on then just politly ask her to stop.

  21. Tell her that you are not interested in the slightest.  If she tries to touch you tell her no!  if she continues tell your supervisor.

  22. If you are uncomfortable with someone touching you or interacting with you in a personal way, tell them to keep their hands to themselves.

    If they do not, report their behaviour to your supervisor, immediately, and ask that the person in question be told to stop their behaviour or you may be forced to consult a solicitor (lawyer).

    You do not have to accept being touched unless you wish to be.

    Cheers :-)

  23. What Le Voleur said.  100%.  She sounds creepy to me.  Definitely make it known to her (and others) that her advances or whatever are unwanted.

  24. Does she have big b***s? I need to know this before I can answer your query to the best of my ability.

  25. Let your body language indicate that you don't like that much affection coming from her.  But it seems like that she is looking to you as a crutch like she doesn't have very many people in her life.  But she creeps you out, so I guess just tell her that you don't like her.

  26. She likes you...

  27. Whoa. Pervy cougar alert. Tell her to p**s off. She's probably some beeeeech who no one likes and she's hitting on you. gross

  28. If it's making you uncomfortable let her know instead of keeping silent. By not saying anything she thinks you don't have a problem with her flirting and thus she continues and the awkwardness continues.

    Is she attractive? Are you single? If I were in you're shoes, I'd give it a shot with her. Not all the time a young man gets to be with an older woman. It's always vice versa.

  29. sexual harrassment! i'd say something about it.

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