
What's wrong with wanting to know how people see you?

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Does it necessarily have to mean you're too self-conscious? What if you're just curious about it?




  1. It's an amusing idea. I think deep down we all care about what others thing... maybe curiousity and maybe self-conscious. The nonconformist wants to fit in with the other nonconformists and vice versa. If not then they're secluded from a world they have no place in. But I doubt its 100% either way =] I think wondering about how others percieve you is very normal and slightly curiousity-based and slightly selfconscious...

  2. The only problem about wanting to know how other people see you, is that there are as many opinions as there are people.  Your likely to get a different answer from every person you poll, so which person's opinion do you value?  How do you choose that?  I agree with the others here when saying we should all be aware of other people's feelings and opinions here, to a certain extent, but don't let it become the most influential factor in your decisions.  Just be yourself.

  3. I think nothing's wrong with wanting to know how people see you. In fact, I think if we all cared a little bit about how people saw us many of the things we do and say that hurt others would not be done or said. Remember - no man is an island. I really believe people care too little about the next person's opinion these days. I'm not advocating that we should allow other people's opinion to totally shape our lives, but it couldn't hurt to value it a bit. Let's look at it this way - if you don't care what other's think - you will say anything - using obscene words whenever and where ever you feel like it.  And that is a very simple matter.

    Okay, let's get to something a little bit more important. Many times we apply for jobs we're asked to submit character references - what are they? They are usually letters from someone we know, who will vouch for the kind of persons we are. So, you don't care how people see you? Right! Okay, when no one you know can say anything positive about the person you are I think it becomes an issue then.

    I know you said people, but correct me if I'm wrong - isn't it normally the people who we know that  we're talking about here - not the rest of the world.

    that's my take

  4. If you truly did not care how people see you at all you'd be in jail or the nut house. There is nothin "wrong" with it. It's human nature, when it becomes an obsesion is when it becomes a problem.

  5. ...nothing wrong with it, as you said most ppl are curious about the kind of impression they have on others

  6. I'm a pretty self-conscious person but I'm more interested in how God sees me.

  7. There is a book out there ( I have never read it) the title always made great sense to me" What You Think of Me is None of My Business" . Honestly if you concern yourself of what others are thinking of you, you will most likely find yourself trying to make an impression on them and not living for yourself. What you think of you is more important and what they think ( unless you love them) makes no never mind.

    Don't make yourself miserable with thoughts that belong to others when you will have enough of your own thoughts to straighten out. best wishes.

    Light & Love,

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