
What's wrong with working out everyday?

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Many people's jobs require heavy work outs daily, such as being on a farm, some factory jobs, etc.




  1. There is no problem working out every day. The problem is with strength training, in which case your muscles don't have time to fully restitute themselves if you do the same muscle group without giving them 2-3-4 days of rest. The whole idea of strength training is to lift, pull or push more and more weight, and that can't happen when you're tired.

  2. I do it every morning 630-730 before work.  It makes me feel excellent and I alternate muscle groups every other day to not over work a specific muscle group.  I am already seeing bulk improvement after two weeks, cant imagine after a month or two (lifetime fitness rocks haha)

  3. Nothing is wrong with it.  But if you're looking to build straight muscle, it is best to let your body heal and rest.  People with heavy labor jobs are usually always achy and in pain.  Just ask anyone who does this for a living.

  4. There is nothing wrong with working out every day, i do it. The misinterpretation comes when people tell you to leave 1 day in between workouts. This is said when you want muscle definition, you must ideally let 24 hours pass between muscle groups that have worked so they can rest and grow new muscle cells, but if you train for fun, or are an athlete, you can do it every day.

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