
What's you favorite kind of horse and why?

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What's you favorite kind of horse and why?




  1. I like Arabians and I also like Appendix horses. As I mentioned in a previous post, an Appendix is nice because its a cross between a quarter horse and a thoroughbred. My experience is they tend to turn out as horses with the build of a thoroughbred but with a mellower disposition.

    Although I like Arabians, they are positively wacky (well OK thats why they are called hot blooded). Even though they can be a bit nuts their increased spirit appeals to me. I have a half-Arab which is an Arabian crossed with a Morgan. He is still nuts so I don't know if his Morgan side has helped all that much. Maybe if he was full Arab he would be so nuts you would have to lock him up.

    Anyway his "hot blooded" side has made him an interesting horse, but at the same time I have had to put a lot of extra training in.

    As far as appearance, I think I am partial to paint horses.


  2. The old line Foundation Appaloosas (with ALL their BREED characteristics in place).  They can and have done it all..

  3. Paints... or Appendix QH

  4. My favorite kind of horse is an Appaloosa because i have one at my house, he's been around for as long as I remember and he was the very first horse that I rode. Ever. He's twenty years old, but he still keeps up with the younger horses in the fairs and stuff. Tough old guy. Love Appys.

  5. Quarter horses! I love them I have 4 and they are amazing! I love the rodeo scene and since I barrel race it's my top pick!

  6. I like appys best because they can be a challenge and stubborn. they are fun cause they easily outsmart you and you have to show who is boss.

    My fave thing is that they have so much energy even in their later years.

  7. Friesians. I think they are gorgeous and move beatifully. They are very elegant and excellent for dressage as well as being chunky (I'm not small so look better on a chunky horse)

  8. My favorite kind of horse is an appaloosa even that's more of a color than a breed. I like them because they are all different and they are never exactly alike.

  9. I like appendix bred horses personally because they have the QH and TB in the blood. I find that for barrel racing having TB in the back ground helps with speed, stride, and flexibilty while the QH blood allows them to quick, catty, they have a good head on their shoulders and a well developed back end which allows them to naturally get under themselves.

    I am a barrel racer so this cross makes them a perfect specimen for the sport

  10. appaloosa's. to be specific, leapord apps. becuase they have the best patterns of any horse, they can do anything, and this is my opinion, they put up a good fight when breaking one. gotta love a good buckin' horse.

  11. All of them!! But seeing as I ride a fat, grumpy Shetland x Pony I should say Shetlands.

  12. A Horse fly. Hee hee :). Oh & Mr. Ed was pretty cool.

  13. I like quarter horses cause they are good all around horses

  14. I Love Chincoteague Ponies, just because theyre so adorable.

    But I also like Thoroughbreds because theyre good racers and are pretty in shape.

    And I also like Morgans. :D

    Ill fall in love with any skewbald pinto horse. xD

  15. Quarter Horse, because i love there tempermant. And i like thourobreds because i like there speed.

  16. MY absolute favortie kind of horse is the quarter horse because the have an all around great attitude best kind of horse to have around! plus you can do anything your heart desires with them

  17. Unicorns.  They are magical.

  18. for looks, i love gypsy vanners, and arabians. but as long as its a sweet horse that you can ride i dont mind how it looks.

  19. my favourite horse is an apaloosa... they are so chic...  :-)

  20. Quarter Horses because they are smart sweet creatures! They care and are calm and can get spunky every once in a while!

  21. I love Missouri Foxtrotters! Mine are wonderful... They can do anything! And are a dream when we want to take a casual ride - great temperment - wonderful personality... I love them!!!

  22. Quater Horses.

    They have a sweet temperment and are willing to  learn and do things for you.


    Very smooth gaits,calm,and fun to show.

  23. quater horses and morgans

  24. a spanish mustang, not just any mustang. theres a HUGE difference. theyre very smart, so comfortable to ride, athletic, calm but not lazy, willing to please, bond with their person, and flat-out wont take abuse. also they are rediculously easy keepers. :D

  25. I love Thoroughbreds. They are amazing athletes. They great at showjumping, dressage, eventing, jumper and even hunters. They also have spunk but are still sweet.

  26. Definitely quarter horses cuz my grandmother had some and they were so sweet and fast!

  27. In all honesty? My favorites are TBs.  I love them for the heart they are bred for.  A heart to work, to run the distance, their willingness and bravery, their athletisism...just everything about them.  They are the heardest working breed out there. BUT right up there with TBs are my QH's.  There is nothing like a QH.  They are loyal life long companions who would take you to the moon and back if you asked them to.  Every horse of mine, is QH inspired.  I like them all to be QH's at heart (so to speak).  Even my 17.1hh Warmbloods and my smallest ponies all act like QH's - laid back, quiet and rideable by anyone.  :)

  28. definitly a quarter horse. they are great all around trail, or show horses.  and can be used for anything.  they have great stamina

  29. My favorite horse is the Quarter Horse. We have always had Quarter Horses and they are so athletic and most have good minds. We have used them for rodeo, cattle penning, jumping, pleasure, gymkana, and just about anything you can think of. They are great all-around horses. I also love the way they hold their heads. I love their build; nice and muscular.

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