
What's your Fav coffee at Starbuck's???

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What's your Fav coffee at Starbuck's???




  1. Vanilla Frap

    So yummy !

  2. vanilla soy latte

    I never thought I would like soy milk, but my barista friend told me about the drink and I fell in love :]

  3. vanilla bean cauppiccino, or frauppiccino i cant remember its been to long!

  4. I am not sure actual "Starbuck's" does this, but at my "we proudly serve Starbuck's" coffee house, I like to make myself an upside down,  Almond Joy Soy Mocha.

  5. Well I either like a tall vanilla latte with xtra whip cream (im a sweet-tooth)!


  6. Non-fat mocha, I like the white chocolate or chocolate ones :)

    Dulce de Leche lattes are YUMMY but they are not currently selling them. I also like to get my drinks iced! yum

  7. You know I don't drink much besides the mocha latte, but I LOVE their Chai chocolate truffles. OMG they are too good!

  8. i work there. i invented a delish drink.

    cap'n crunch berries frap. its a strawberries and creme frap with toffee nut. TRY IT ha

    iced caramel machiattos are goood

    and iced venti vinilla soy chai lattes. very sweet cinnamin dolce.


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