
What's your age, height, race and gender?

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1. What's the race and height of the smallest adult guy you personally know?

2. If you live in America, what do you think are the heights of the smallest adult guys you've seen (if they're not affected by dwarfism but only by genes)?

3. What do you think will be my permanent height?

I'm 15, Filipino, male, and 5'1" and a sophomore high school. I'm so short. I want to study college and live in America in the future. I do get high grades I just get conscious about my height. I drink a glass of milk at least once a day; twice at most per day.

For question #3, some additional details are:

-father's side: 4'11" grandfather; I don't know how tall my grandma is; 4'11"-5'5" uncles

-mother's side: 5'11" grandfather; 5'2" grandmother; 5'8"-5'10" all my uncles

-dad: 5'7"


-16 year old brother: 5'4"

-9 year old sister: 4'6"




  1. Sounds like genetically you'll just be short. But you are still just a sophomore in high school and guys don't stop growing until they're 18.

    The shortest guy I know is 5'2", he's 19, and he's European. My brother is a junior in high school, also European, and he's 5'8'. I also have an adopted Filipino cousin I think is 16 now and he's shorter than my 5'4".

    What your permanent height will be can't be said right now. It could be anywhere from 5'3" to 5'10" or maybe even taller. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. It's part of who you are and that's that.

  2. 15




  3. Im 16 5'6 white female

    1)Um well at school one of my friends is 5'0 and hes 17


    3)Prob not any taller then 5'5 depending

    Dont worry in American they have people that are not dwarfs and 4'11 and then they have people at 7'4

  4. Genetics play the only role, you can not force height into your future. You are only 15 and have years to grow still as a guy.  I can not guess at what your permanent height will be, you have to be patient and let nature take its course.  Look at it this way, are you built more like mom or dad, which do you look like and take after, you can also visit a doctor and they can run tests and give you a possible average height you will reach.

  5. considering your dad's side of the family are short. and your mom's side are tall , you might be around 5'5ish or maybe even taller. for example: im 13 years old and 5'3 95 pounds. im considered average at my school, but i didnt hit my growth spurt yet. i dont think? my dad is 5'8 and my grandma from his side is like 4'10 lol but in my moms side, my mom is 5 feet. but my grandma on that side is 5'3 . but when i went to the doctors the doctors said my full adult height will be 5'8- 5'10 so yeah =) P.S im filipino :D

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