
What's your baby's nickname?

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I have a 3 week old daughter I've started calling Babykins (her name is Madeleine).

Just wondering what cute names others have come up with for their cuties =).




  1. Both of my girls went through a sort of progression of nicknames:

    My oldest, Jade went from Jader to Jader-tater to mashed-tata to tata!

    My youngest, Emma Flynn started out as Emma Flinstone, then just flinstone, to Emma stone, or just Stone, and sometimes Stoner (but we don't want that one to stick, lol).

  2. Madeleine is a cute name, congrats by the way.

    Oh and don't call her mad for short lol.

  3. My babys name is Ketana and I call her Tarni for short, oh she has another one, Fatama coz she's chubby haha, what you call them now doesn't matter but i cant call her Fatama for much longer lol shes just turned 11 months  

  4. my mom calls my sister boo , duckie , or bum , my grandma calls her pumpkin and her dad calls her princess .  

  5. Bugaboo, Bub, Bubaloo, Dougie Buggy, Lil pooper, lil guy!

  6. My son is Owen, he's been "O", owiebear, monkeybutt, bubby, but the most common is Owie, bro and kissy face (I'm sure he'll love that when he's 13, haha)

  7. For the longest time, we called my youngest peanut, b/c when he was born my oldest (he was two at the time) went around telling everyone that the doctor cut the baby's peanut. (refering to his circumcision) LOL . It still makes me smile today!

  8. I call my son Aiden(6weeks), grunty mcgrunt, because he always is grunting during the middle of the night and all day long, hes so silly

  9. i dont have a baby (i'm 15) but these are nicknames for some little kids in my family....i call my niece goobs, goober, goober but, booger, booger but, sweetie, princess, sweet pea, pumpkin but, pumpkin, cutie, and patutie  i call my nephew buddy, buddy boy, bugs, little guy, squeakers(when he was born, he didn't cry, he squeaked, it was cute) chunky monkey, chunkey, chunkers, and bubbas i call my little cousin j.j, chunkers,, j.j. the jet plane, and chunky monkey

    congrats on the new baby...and i love that name...that is the name i have chosen for my first daughter when i have one

  10. I call Sally:

    Sweet Pea

    Punkin Pie

    Punkin Head

    Pretty Girl


    I also call her "Houdini Toes" because she always manages to work her feet out of any blanket or swaddle

  11. my little girl is 11 days

    and we have been calling her squnker!!!!

    or Squnker P. McSqunkerson

    i don't know where it came from but that is what me and my DH came up!!!!

  12. Apart from Ash (her name is Ashley), we've got booboo, couscous, baba, angel girl, wow the list goes on. My mum calls her idea why! We're from the seychelles  

  13. That's not your business.  

  14. My daughter is 8 months old tomorrow and I have a host of nicknames for her already. When she was born I called her chimmichonga, chim chim charoo, my little chicken, ya I could go on forever.

    For some reason the name Monkey has stuck for me and my hubby calls her Button. Her name is Sienna so it's not such an easy name to get a nickname out of.  

  15. kaden - bubba

    timothy - poo

    william - willy

    reanna - re-re

  16. I call my 7 week old son 'chubba bubba' or 'little man' his name is Brock.

    My nearly 3 yr old daughter was nicknamed 'bella' we also call her 'ginger ninja' or 'bellasaurus' or 'tomblyboo'  her name is isabella

    My 4 yr old son has been nicknamed 'pumpkin' or 'cheecky monkey' his name is justin.

  17. We've been calling my 5 month old baby girl Bobbles ever since she was born. She always held her head up by herself but it bobbled a little so it just stuck. Her real name is Addison Faith.

  18. my daughters name is zoe so i call her zo zo or stinkerbell

    My son im preggers with i call him gremlin haha or bubba i dont know why but the names stuck!

  19. my sons name is Maximus. and my nick name for him is Maxi pad. hes just 7 months i plan on giving it up soon too so don't yell at me. I'm crossing my fingers that when he goes to school no kid thinks to call him that.

  20. I have the usual cute nicknames for my daughter, but when she was really little, my husband started calling her "wiggles" since she was so wiggly in his arms. She's 3 years old now and he still calls her that. I think he'll be calling that forever :)

  21. my son is 4 and a half weeks old and he trys so hard to hold his head up and steady, to look at the world, but he cant hold it still yet so me and my mom call him bobblehead when he does that, or when he is fighting sleep , and fussy,,I call him fussbucket, his name is Ian, and I havent come up with one that goes with Ian yet that I like!!

  22. Benjamin is bunny, bun, pumkin, pumpkin pie, turdyboy, or bumblebee.

    Margaret is maggie moo, maggie may, princess poopypants, princess pukeyface, princess stinkybutt, and fatty McChubbypants.

  23. juls, jeweler,buddy, chicken dinner(i know it sounds weird but it works for my 3 year old)

  24. Im only 14 so I don't have any kids, but I was always called "kiwi" by my older brothers and "sunshine" by my dad.

    And I used to call my oldest brother "GeeJay" which my mom came up with because I could never pronounce his name.

  25. My baby girls name is Chelsea Jordan so she gets C.J, Chook, Princess, Baby girl, Bub, Bubba, poss

  26. me: boogaboo, booga, honey bee, little man, honey bear

    dh: baby boy, boogie man (because he likes to dance)

    my mom: buttons (because he has a button nose)

  27. my son is named cristopher but i call him Monk (short for Monkie) his mammal calls him pipper(short for pip squeak, because he usta sqeak alot) and daddy calls him bubba( i dunno why)

    oh and lol i some times call him fu-tass lol like fat *** but not the curse word that would be wrong

  28. I have a Maddie too - I just love the name Madeline (we spell it the American way since we have such a difficult last name).  At 7 months she has been known as - peanut, Pulga (flea in Spanish), Pulga-pulgita, Mad Maddie, the Madster, Chub, Sweet Pea, and Booboo.  Who knows what will stick.

  29. in the early days I was calling her Bobbles because her head was so bobbly hehe, now I call her princess or pumpk (like pumpkin) my hubby calls her bubba isnt it funny how you make silly names for them, my dogs have always had silly names for them too, they probably dont even know what their actual names are

    edit to Tabbers that is so weird, my daughters name is Addyson too and we called her Bobbles, how strange!!

  30. My husband calls her baby doll and i call her sissy(she's a big sister now) or peanut and my 3 week old i call her cupcake.  

  31. Babycakes



    Cutie Pie

    Sweetie Pie

    Doll Face

    Honey Bunny


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