
What's your best Scrabble strategy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm new to the game.




  1. That's an easy one....have your cousin on your team...

  2. adding to words Is a good tactic,  - especially if you can get double or triple word scores

    Try reading the dictionary -- or skimming through it for anything that catches your eye  like words to use Z and Q that you don't already know

    ADZE is a good one

  3. The best strategy is to be a parasite. Try to add to the words of other people to get their word points plus the letters you just added.

  4. I try to score the most points.

  5. Well if there's a word already on the board that was worth a lot of points, just add an ending such as an "s," "ing," or "ed." Also if can put down your tiles so that you can get points for two words, do that.

  6. ...avoid playing against Sharky...what more can I say...

  7. Cheat.

  8. I don't get to play too often, but here are a few pointers I've picked up over the years:

    First, once it is known that there is definitely going to be a game of Scrabble played and you are certain that you can't talk your way out of participating without being considered the coward of the county, take the following precautions:

    1.  Act like you have a headache so people are afraid to challenge you regarding your choice of words.

    2.  Make certain that you play on an island or a boat where there is absolutely no internet connection or dictionary available, and there won't be until long after the game is concluded - and you've won, of course.  

    3.  BE CREATIVE!  You weren't creative enough to talk your way out of playing this darn game in the first place, so now you need to make the best of a bad situation by MAKING UP YOUR OWN WORDS whenever the need arises!  For instance, if you place down the word "xenababilstobly" and the others don't believe it is legitimate, complain that you had yours surgically removed back when you were a youngster, and your lack of a  "xenababilstobly" is the primary reason you now have a headache and didn't want to play "Scrabble" in the first  place, but did so out of good sportsmanship and desire to be with your friends.  

    Sure, they might still challenge the legitimacy of the word, but simply stick to your guns, and begin trembling uncontollably - that should do the trick.  Once things calm down, simply cough, act slightly faint, yet not faint enough to write down the points like nothing is out of order and it is now the next guy's turn.

    That should suffice nine times out of ten, but it there are still further challenges to the existence of a word or words, simply say that your "bumblestobilostomy" scar is starting to act up even worse than your "xenababilstobly" ever did, and you're gonna pass out if you aren't left alone.  That should do the trick!

  9. make words that dont exist and say that the dictionary is not big enough and dont containall the world....

    or cheat

    or make really long words

  10. Give your opponents the 'Q's and 'X's.

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