
What's your biggest fear when u dine out?

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mine is spoiled food or drink, insects




  1. Did the chef drop my food and pick it up to continue to cook & seve it to me?

  2. If it has some type of bug in it.EWWW!I would never go back there!

  3. Having hidden nuts/peanuts (in oils, dressings, sauces, etc.) in the food.

    My daughter is allergic to peanuts.

  4. If I get salmonella from the food..

  5. Not getting my drink order within 5 minutes.  Everything is downhill from there.

  6. Ordering a new dish and not liking it.  But as a general rule, I have no dining fear.

  7. Forgetting my wallet and looking like an idiot in front of friends.

  8. Nothing will turn you off more than hair in your food.

  9. I fear the people working in the back and their sanitation practices as well as how long that chicken or fish has been out thawing on the table in the kitchen with all the bugs too.

  10. that too many people will talk to me

    i hate that


    ill sit forever without a drink

  11. peanuts and nuts in food, especially when not stated on menu

  12. ingredients not on the menu and then eating something that I'm allergic to

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