
What's your biggest pet peeve at the office?

by  |  earlier

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Mine is when people take ALL the documents off the printer, (including mine) even though they only printed one or some of the documents in the stack.




  1. full of themselves ppl...

  2. I'm the office administrator & my desk is in the front lobby.  

    Everyone always wants to hang out in "my office", which I usually don't mind.  I talk to customers alot, and it really ticks me off when everyone is in there talking and I'm on the phone. They could at least watch what they are saying.  

  3. When the boss makes a terrible joke and everybody laughs.

  4. We have a guy whos parents own the company. He never does his job and he sets his own hours. I hate the guy.

  5. The guy in the cube next to me took off his shoes and socks and clipped his toenails up on his desk once.   Seriously.

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