
What's your biggest regret ?

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If you could only turn back the clock and not do something

what would it be?




  1. Hard question..I guess I would say dropping out of high school would be one..a relationship that went on too long..and any time a hurt someone,,I regret it. But Then again..I have to agree that..every bad choice still has led me here so..proof that God can make good out of anything.

  2. Invest Heavily in Northern Rock!

  3. there are two things i would change

    first i wouldn't have joined karate, because my mom wouldn't have met my stepdad and he is horrible to me.

    and i would have told this guy i used to like that i did.

  4. Not retiring earlier than I did.  I worked till the official retiring age of 65.

    After I retired, I realised life was so easy, and that money is not everything    - and I could easily have retired at least 5 years earlier  - so yes, this I regret.

  5. Nothing... because I believe in the Destiny at 100%!!

  6. listening to other people and allowing them to influence me and my decisions rather than following my heart

  7. The year 1975.  

  8. Never being good enough, pretty enough, nothing enough to keep my ex-husband.  He found everything he wanted in the woman he is with now.  I should be happy for him.

  9.   I wouldn't.

      I've learned to except my mistakes and forgive. Everybody makes them, and you need then to learn.

      I have also learn to go,

    "How stupid of me!' and laugh. You got to forgive yourself sometimes! Hope I gave you the answer you wanted!

  10. Mistakes are made by people who take decisions. If I could remember some time when I made no decision,  then I would turn the clock back and decide on a course of action.

    To do nothing is virtually impossible.  To do nothing is what you do when you are dead.  Not doing something, is like doing nothing.  

    My biggest regret is probably not understanding that sooner.  Not spending the time earlier in life to establish what life means, and what you want from life.

    However, I have no regrets about what I have done, only regrets about what was outside of my control and which I did not realise at the time.    

  11. There are always things in our lives that we can recount and regret.But for me, the things I got wrong in the past (sometimes more than once) can be learned from and the next time a similar situation arises, I can use the experience to get it right.

    I think the only regret I really have is not taking charge of my own destiny until now. I've always settled for what has been offered instead of going for what I really wanted in life - of course since I'm not dead yet, there is still a chance to go for it in many aspects like career, relationship, dreams, finances.

    Regret should be reserved for the afterlife because if we're still here, there's still time to change our future.

  12. As a young man in the 1970's, I wish I had got into buying property to let.

  13. Its better to regret something you HAVE done, than something you HAVENT.

  14. not being the best mother i could have been .so i now try to be the best gran

  15. rushing into a relationship aged 18

    shud have been on girlie holidays but missed out on that era of my life. Im now 37 and peeed off. bummer

  16. Starting answering questions at Yahoo!, now I can't stop. ****.

  17. No one can go back and make a new beginning, but anyone can start from now and make a happy ending.

    Life is a one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back. So enjoy life every moment as none of them will happen the same way again.

  18. I have no regrets I believe if you have regrets you can not move forward with your life. However I do wish I could have stayed friends with few people in my past. But my life is not worse or better because I didn't.

  19. lying to people, and not loving what i had while i had it.

  20. Not doing things when I had the chance.

  21. I have no regrets

  22. to not trust another nigerian person  

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