
What's your brain type?

by  |  earlier

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  1. this is good

    i tried it

    and i recommend all of you to

  2. BCAR / INFP "Idealist"

    deep internal values; idealistic, romantic, appears calm; generally reticent; creative, avoids conflict, sensitive, aware of others’ feelings; sacrificial, welcomes new ideas; flexible, interested in learning and writing; composer; language skilled

    well i do compose some music.

  3. BEIL / ISTJ "Investigator"

    gatherer of data; compelled to identify reality and bring order; stable, conservative, dependable, reserved, logical, fastidious, systematic, painstaking, thorough, dutiful; fine motor skilled.

  4. FCAR / ENFP "Motivator"

    highly energetic; enthusiastic, charming, imaginative, improvisational; sees possibilities; spontaneous; easily bored with repetition; enjoys solving people’s problems; catalyst, marketer, language skilled.

    Um... Ok I guess?

  5. BEAR / ISFP "Artisan"

    appreciates beauty and texture; artistic, athletic and graceful; reticent, not verbally expressive; realistic; sensitive, modest, kind; sympathetic; impulsive, enjoys freedom; service-oriented; gross motor skilled.

    That has me dead on. =] Amazing quiz. *bookmarks quiz, stars question*

  6. BCIR / INTP

  7. BCAL / INFJ

    potential gifted writer; imaginative, conscientious; has concern for the needs and development of others; empathetic; enjoys enriching inner life; methodical; quietly forceful; counselor; language skilled.

    Yowza! This is scary dead on.

  8. FEAL / ESFJ "Facilitator"

    hospitable, focuses on usefulness; energetic, realistic; develops and nurtures relationships; sensitive to praise and criticism; expresses feelings; conscientious; orderly; friendly promoter, commerce- oriented, gross motor skilled.

  9. 'Be observant - Think deep and wide, Be cheerful' type.

  10. FCIR / ENTP "Strategizer"

    "precocious planner," imaginative, alert to possibilities; quick thinking; likes complexity; computer proficient; enjoys one-up-manship; enthusiastic, outspoken, artistic, comedic, manipulative, spontaneous, entrepreneurial; logical abstraction skilled.  

  11. Motivator.  Some of the answers both applied, could have gotten a different result, however it was a fun little "exercise".  

  12. BCIR / INTP "Logician"

    master of conceptual logic; problem-solver; scientific—desires understanding of universe; designs logical models; seeks precision; introspective; adaptable; tends to excel in theoretical, philosophical subjects; logical abstraction skilled.

  13. BEAR / ISFP "Artisan"

    appreciates beauty and texture; artistic, athletic and graceful; reticent, not verbally expressive; realistic; sensitive, modest, kind; sympathetic; impulsive, enjoys freedom; service-oriented; gross motor skilled.

  14. BCAR / INFP "Idealist"

    deep internal values; idealistic, romantic, appears calm; generally reticent; creative, avoids conflict, sensitive, aware of others’ feelings; sacrificial, welcomes new ideas; flexible, interested in learning and writing; composer; language skilled.

  15. FCIR / ENTP "Strategizer"

    "precocious planner," imaginative, alert to possibilities; quick thinking; likes complexity; computer proficient; enjoys one-up-manship; enthusiastic, outspoken, artistic, comedic, manipulative, spontaneous, entrepreneurial; logical abstraction skilled.

    *Sigh* Am I the only "Strategizer"? Oh well.

  16. Apparently I'm an ENFP; a motivator.  But I'm not completely convinced that a short questionnaire can tell me my personality type.  It's all a bit too much like astrology for me.  

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